Need A Melody For A 5 Min Thrill/horror Scene!!


New member
I need someone to help me to compose a 5-mins melody for a thrill/horror scene which is suppose to be my school assigment. i would really hope that someone could help me out with the 5-min melody for my shortfilm scene..
Use only one effect. No cash for more. Not enough gears. Just some prepared guitar stuffs, higly inspired by keith rowe of AMM. And yeah. The whistle blowing was kinda a random thing. I need to invest on a toolbox. Damn damn.
Use only one effect. No cash for more. Not enough gears. Just some prepared guitar stuffs, higly inspired by keith rowe of AMM. And yeah. The whistle blowing was kinda a random thing. I need to invest on a toolbox. Damn damn.

haha, good stuff though. screwdriver much?
Ahh akisan. Haha. For 32nd may, I used a nail clipper. Slit it in between strings and snap it everytime to create the loud thump.
Then use a metal bristle brush and brush the fretboard slightly.
Just experimenting with the sounds with products used in daily activities.
Hey Iyah, I replied back your pm but still no response from you..

You didn't even leave any contacts at all so it's hard for me to contact you..
Actually, there aren't that many who plays this genre here..

And the people who listens and support are also not that many..