I'm hoping to revive this thread in a run-up to the Public Forum On Local Music.
The forum premises at The Gallery (Fort Canning) has limited seats, so it will be first come basis by registration.
The purpose of the forum is to try to map out where local music, in particular the aletrnative pop community, the indie community if you may should be heading.
There are many issues we can talk about, primarily the conditions or prerequisites that must be present for a vibrant scene to thrive. Here are few points we can sart thinking or discussing about, and if need be I can organize a pre-forum seminar to put thoughts and things together before we go into the forum.
Environment - what are factors such as community, media, public, commercial and government reactions that affects development?
Infrastructure - Are there sufficient infrastructure support like venues, conducive, affordable and accessible to power such development?
Funding - Has the alternate pop arrive at a state of self sustenance or it is still largely reliant on public and corporate sponsorship?
Musicians - Do works by local musicians ready to be sold locally and abroad?
And many more direct, indirect questions with many sub..sub...sub questions to be discussed.
Speakers will share with us their experience in their respective country and we will also get to ask our local officials as to what support we can get.
So...please contribute to a healthy discussion hereforth.