HeartRockSingapore said:
One idea thrown up was to exhibit musical instruments used by bands from history till now, and also Bill Clinton's collection of sexaphone. This would interest the public in bands and thus getting more followings and bigger market. Right now the scene only depends on a very close community, and this is not enough.

lol .. sexaphone or saxophones :P ? i knew bill clinton played saxophones and he was into the oral kinda too but sexaphones :P ?

no offence bro :D take it light heartedly k ?
Cool! Great ideas.....very supportive n positive indeed....
Yes dis type of event will make local music industry 1 step ahead.

Currently we have small gigs or organisation dat is doin their own thing.
Like for instance the TAGS.

Y not have dis small events or gigs and place togather in a month long NATIONAL MUSIC CONVENTION.

Dis will include the local version of NAMM. Cos im disappointed with the recent PALA. Nothing much to see n proud of. To Mulyadi....ur ideas is great!

We can hv local band competition for unsign bands.........Local music award show or presentation in appreciation to our local pioneer musicians who hv contributed much to local scene.

Lets be practical in the theme dat we r goin to present in the convention. We ourselves r trying and getting to start dis conventionand we r oredi looking for bands dat r far away in China.

No offence but we should look at ourself dat we r just starting up and we dont even hv a committee to organise it. We locally hv not yet got a good support and yet we r looking regionally. Only local musicians are realy supporting the local scene. Our crowds r not helping much as dat local bands are stuck here.

Let hv our foundation right and dat we get our act togather. Lets hv a small group of committee to organiseand plan the direction of the local scene. Put up a proposal to higer level or authority such as the ministry to help createawareness to local ppl and support local bands. Maybe can get help from local celebrity to enhance the local scene.

We can hv a lot of fantasy and briallant ideas but do we hv enuf fund to get all the ideas goin? Do we hv any reserve enuf to keep us goin for the next 10 or so.....(much like the NKF thingy). Can the local ppl support us all the way.....jus like the real die hard r we goin to do dat.

Pls be in mind dat regional bans such as indonesian, malaysia as well as japan or ani other neighboring countries hv oredy a strong foundation on their music scene. Even in malaysia, they hv a small organisation dat caters or take care their own musicians.

We can also organise a 10 band or so in an local album compilation. We used to hv Levi's school of rock.......but after dat it die of a natural death.
We could hv also local SOFT's skool of rock comprises of best local talent act put togather in 1 album before we can promote regionally.

No offence to whoever or wats so ever.......jus my general opinion and I hope dis can be a consideration to ani revalent party.

Sorry Ady that I didn't take time to answer you, but indeed those were very valid points. But just let me clarify. We are already in the4 planning process and not that we haven't got started. Somebody must take the lead.

Well the convention is about local bands, so we will be discussing and engaging the different bodies and agencies concerning local bands.

The Asian Idie Festival is a different thing altogether. It is a concert that brings together indie bands from different Asian countries. There are some countries that are strong in the Indie Bands movement and there are countries that are weaker, and Singapore happens to be on the weaker side, though economicall we can be slightly ahead of others. We need to learn from them, get them to help us, and by uniting we will be stronger.

So I do urge you, your friends to support these two events whole heartedly. As you correctly pointed, let's come together and make a visible impact in the local scene.

Once again thank you very much Ady.
Hi Pyro, we don't have a heartrock centre yet. Discussions with the ministry is going on. If we cannot get the ministry to support us on this, then we will look at the alternative plan, which is also in discussion at the same time. But ultimately, HeartRock wants to have the centre to carry through our long term plans.
To all musicians who are serious about seeing themselves better...
come forward, speak up and make a stand through the National Bands Convention. Only if we are willing to come together can we move things forward. I have sent out survey forms to various band members and will conduct a series of workshops based on the survey's findings so as to put together a paper that is truly representative of this community.

If you wish to have this survey form posted to you, kindly request at

On the Asian Indie Festival, things are looking very bright. If it happens, it will not only rock Singapore, but Malaysia, Indonesia and the other neighbouring countries too. It will be the advertisers' delight to see such an event happening.
Thanks panopticon-3 & Ady for the support. The survey is just a general guide, please feel free to tell me what you really think we should be doing for the music scene and the industry.
I'm hoping to revive this thread in a run-up to the Public Forum On Local Music.

The forum premises at The Gallery (Fort Canning) has limited seats, so it will be first come basis by registration.

The purpose of the forum is to try to map out where local music, in particular the aletrnative pop community, the indie community if you may should be heading.

There are many issues we can talk about, primarily the conditions or prerequisites that must be present for a vibrant scene to thrive. Here are few points we can sart thinking or discussing about, and if need be I can organize a pre-forum seminar to put thoughts and things together before we go into the forum.

Environment - what are factors such as community, media, public, commercial and government reactions that affects development?

Infrastructure - Are there sufficient infrastructure support like venues, conducive, affordable and accessible to power such development?

Funding - Has the alternate pop arrive at a state of self sustenance or it is still largely reliant on public and corporate sponsorship?

Musicians - Do works by local musicians ready to be sold locally and abroad?

And many more direct, indirect questions with many sub..sub...sub questions to be discussed.

Speakers will share with us their experience in their respective country and we will also get to ask our local officials as to what support we can get.

So...please contribute to a healthy discussion hereforth.
Why only alternative and indie? isn't it unfair for other genres? plus i think itd be a hell of a support if all genres are involved in this forum. Or maybe i wouldn't know that heartrock caters mostly to alternative and indie bands? Im not sure. But hey, at least you are doing something about the local Cheers! :)

It is impossible to name every genre and sub-genre but I hope you know what I am into. Firstly we got to have a vibrant and viable alternative to the pop industry, hence I coined the term the alternate pop. Let's unite and getthings done first rather that highlighting the differences and hendak kaki.

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