NASHDRIVE Unleashed!!!!


New member
NashTones Inc proudly present a new tone driver pedal. Even hotter that it looks. Cool Drive Tones to Drive your other Drive/Dist pedal like crazy. Even on its own, it'll ROCK you n it'll Drive u like there's no end.





bah ha ha. call it nazri drive then. wheeeeee, when i drop by lemme try. was it done by the goose dude? who gave the talk? how much u paid?

echoist said:
hehehehhhhe... hey grain, NashDrive kinds of sound familiar... hmmmmmmm...[/quot

Yer Apa dia Cik Jumat ku sayang????????/
hahhahhhaha bila mau jumpa????
ssshhhhhhhhh... hehehehhhheehhe...

tungu la, still busy with stuff la! i'll check-our ur place soon... hehhhhhhhh... but if i'm there to jam, don't look-see-look-see, i'm terrified of great guitarists looking at me! hehehehehhhe...
echoist said:
ssshhhhhhhhh... hehehehhhheehhe...

tungu la, still busy with stuff la! i'll check-our ur place soon... hehhhhhhhh... but if i'm there to jam, don't look-see-look-see, i'm terrified of great guitarists looking at me! hehehehehhhe...

echoist said:
i'll check-our ur place soon... hehhhhhhhh... but if i'm there to jam, don't look-see-look-see, i'm terrified of great guitarists looking at me! hehehehehhhe...

haha, i agree too lol! maybe that's why i haven't drop by naz's place too :lol: But i make sure i'll be there some time soon, curious bout this nashdrive too

To anyone who wishes to try it out, pls do call to make an appointment. This is just a Prototype of the NASHDRIVE produce my NashTones Inc.. U've gotta try it to believe it. But again, differnt players, different perceptions, sum may like it, sum may not.
to my opinion, only serious players may appreciate this kinda thing. If u kinda like taking a short route to having a GOOD tone n sound, this aint ur kinda toy.
hmmmmmm... wondering if u get some sort of royalty from the sales of the "Nash Drive", like "Wylde Overdrive" or "Dime Distortion"... waahhhhhh... heehehehhehhh...

echoist said:
hmmmmmm... wondering if u get some sort of royalty from the sales of the "Nash Drive", like "Wylde Overdrive" or "Dime Distortion"... waahhhhhh... heehehehhehhh...

royalty's ???? hmmm... guess not.
Re: t

Grain said:
To anyone who wishes to try it out, pls do call to make an appointment. This is just a Prototype of the NASHDRIVE produce my NashTones Inc.. U've gotta try it to believe it. But again, differnt players, different perceptions, sum may like it, sum may not.
to my opinion, only serious players may appreciate this kinda thing. If u kinda like taking a short route to having a GOOD tone n sound, this aint ur kinda toy.

Hi bro,

U got any clips of this Nashdrive? U know...just guitar direct to Nashdrive to amp or PC.

See Ya Somewhere