NAMM introduces the Flea Bass


Active member

looks fun!

i hate artist endorsed shit. what was wrong with musicman and modulus? but the colours are funky anyway
I'm wondering whether these candy coloured basses are sending us back to the times where hairy chested men wore tight pink leotards with sparkly sequined lycra tops and called that macho.

Then again, that might explain the skinny jeans "chess-board" prints.
I can really see these shining in an Austin Powers-type MV, complete with all the 70~80s multi-coloured backgrounds. Shall we call Richard Simmons to lead the way? :p
It's targeted at beginner players -- at that price point, I'd have to say it's a pretty good buy. If Flea wants to help out the kids, I'm all for it:

FLEABASS Full Scale Series Bass + Deluxe Gig Bag: $499 MAP
FLEABASS Junior Series Bass + Deluxe Gig Bag: $399 MAP
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