n00b needs mic! HELP!


New member
hi,im a total n00b at mics. Im a female vocalist and i need a mic! It will be used for jamming and such. My budget is around $100 - $180 ...
YEa so just point me in the right direction!
i think the shure SM58 is listed for $155 @ Luthermusic...

gkinsingapore, y'know where to get good XLR cable for mic? any particular brands..?
SM58 for so high $$??? I thot i saw it selling for $125 at Sim Lim???
SM58 is ok on vocals, in fact quite nice for female, but not for man!!! My recommendation is that you try out quite a number of mics at the shop to see which fits your voice. SM58 is just common, but that doesn't mean it works well with your voice. I know it doesn't with mine!!!
Other recommendations i can give you for your price range will be Shure Beta58(a bit steep!), Audix OM2, Sennheiser E835, Akg D88. Try them out at the shops! Remember, everyone voice is different, so stop following the trend and start using your ears instead....
why buy a mic? Any jamming studio worth its salt would have a SM58.

If you forsee using a mic for recording then much more options abound.
I can understand why petrina wants a mic.

It is a bit like why a guitarist wanna have a guitar (even though most jamming studios will have guitars). It is something that is your own. yours, no one else will use it, you own it etc etc. MY OWN... period.

a good starter mic will be the sm58. Alternatives are sennheiser e835 (not as hardy as the sm58 and heavier however, the sound is different)

Hope this helps

maybe petrina's gone through cases where the mic on stage has poor connection or doesn't wanna share saliva with the previous vocalist..
i like recording vocals on a Rhode NT-3 though dunno why.. my guitars also go throught the nt3 ahahah..