my stupid attempt to do an instrumental =(

Dude, use soundclick... its free, its more convinient, can download forever... and you can listen to urself after 1 yr to laugh on ur playing back then. :D

bro i like some of the ideas in this track.
BUT PLEASE cut some reverb hahaha...

too much reverb and delay for the impact to be there.
oh ok... noted...
but i dun reli set up wif reverb...
only after i mix it all up then i add some reverb. tat some reverb maybe too much.

thx anyway. still learning,hopefully u can teach a bit la... how many years waited for u liao :lol:

thx for listening
There's delay... and a load of reverb! Seen the youtube vid of George Lynch doing a Mr Scary live in the studio? Too much reverb does that... brings you back to the 1980s. :D

I think what you should be aiming for is a strong sense of songwriting now... not going to comment on the technique, its fine playing. I think its impt to have a sense of identity, right now, when I listen to your old song, it is quite a generic sounding piece of music.

Anyway, I think you know what I'm talking about lah... right? :D
boooooon... don't know if you remember this ole' cow haha.

Nice track i think its a very good attempt, any plans to develop this further? 8)
sofyan: apa la tap dancing... lol.. just trying out la bro. no idea,did it last time after listening to rising force. :oops:

Blackmoo moo: thks bro. no plans yet la bro... u noe la... i'm more to other styles but not tis kind of solo2, shred2...just trying out wat i left years2 bck.but hey...wanna jam? u got minus 1 track? share la
you maiden fan???

the solos I tot you too 'tight', maybe the LSD haven't kick in yet? ;)

Rock on and kick asss!

nice one :)

i last time la maiden fan... now cant be too old skool. tis is juz for memories sake. to laugh myself off 10yrs later.
thx for listening bro