My singing! Tonight (Cover)

eh the sound quality not bad lei?

But diction and guitar strumming i guess.

Vocal wise im no expert but have more emotions and drag the tune longer abit?
GOD. sorry not in vocal terms or what not.

But just what i feel la:)
eh the sound quality not bad lei?

But diction and guitar strumming i guess.

Vocal wise im no expert but have more emotions and drag the tune longer abit?
GOD. sorry not in vocal terms or what not.

But just what i feel la:)

Oh, so the sound quality is alright? I used a $8 PC microphone. o.0

Anyway, thanks for the comment! Yeah, I just realised that my diction is pretty bad and the guitar strumming was pretty boring.

Thanks, much is appreciated.
for me,you was flat for most of the part but for sure,you can sing.

I see alot of this word "flat" when it comes to singing.

I don't really understand what it means. Does is mean being off-key or off-pitch?

Thanks for your comment! Appreciated ;)
Flat means.Half a note lower than the originally note.
Sharp means half a note higher. It means waver off abit.

At least better than off pitch

but still,its the basics that should be there.

Still,not bad
for me,you was flat for most of the part but for sure,you can sing.

tats strange.. i dun find him flat at all.. maybe u meant at a lower octave?
i find tat he sings in key..

i think in overall, the tone is GOOD.. accent is GOOD.. but need to improve more on the diction..

GOOD JOB.. (very john mayer)
hmm, maybe try practicing your guitar until you feel comfortable to strum and do ANYTHING else (not just singing). Right now can hear that you're trying very hard to do both at the same time and it's giving you some problems, can't focus on the singing as well.
Alright thanks everyone. Shall work on my diction. I feel that I run out of breath too easily and thus will struggle with enunciating the words sometimes.

hmm, maybe try practicing your guitar until you feel comfortable to strum and do ANYTHING else (not just singing). Right now can hear that you're trying very hard to do both at the same time and it's giving you some problems, can't focus on the singing as well.

The guitar and vocals were recorded separately :X But then again, I sometimes have difficulties doing both at the same time. Just can't multi task well. Thanks anyway.
