My lizard has a new friend!!! (updated)

YAN! That's disturbing! Haha. I mean are the lizards like breeding in your house or something?! Or did you unknowingly capture the Crown Prince(too much tv serials) of the Lizard Kingdom? I mean like there's a whole ARMY of lizards in your house man! Dude, that's way noisy. *click click*
Sofyan, why don't you just throw that away?! Haha, doesn't it bother you that a creature is rotting in your home? not an animal rights person...but why i suddenly feel that its so cruel to let the lizard get stuck there and starve as it tries to escape, but its skin is stuck to the adhesive surface...oow... :x
Well, lizards are not insects are they? You should spray lizardticide... :P

You have 3 stuck there now? The lizard necropolis is starting to grow...
oh this is just sick and wrong...but I guess lizards can be considered pests la. thought though...if by some twist of fate lizards put sticky papers out to catch humans, wonder how it'd be like. it's just by luck that we're the ones putting the paper down and the lizards are the ones getting stuck.
That's disturbing, getting stuck to some sticky paper.. Haha.. Wriggling like mad but you can't get off cause your skin's permanently stuck to some paper (Ever experienced getting super glue on your fingers?).. Starving.. Not being able to eat.. Seeing flies all around you.. Starving some more.. Getting sprayed by deodourant/insecticide.. Then slowly suffocating because of the poison.. Waiting for death as Anep approaches you with a flame cause deodourant's flamable.. =p

Its tough being a lizard.

But I still hate them all the same. =p
Once that entire paper is stuck with lizards, post a pic. Imagine the other lizards stuck going, NO, ITS A TRAP! But then the lizard cannot take seeing all those flies so he approach.

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