My lizard has a new friend!!! (updated)

yea, they SHIT allover the place and that pisses me off.....especially when my mum dictate that i have to take part in cleaning the house.
my house has no lizards. =) and i agree ah. they make sick noises sometimes and it disturbs my sleep. lol.
Ok here's the gross-est thing that happened to my family. I'm very lucky i wasn't part of it. Mom made ribena in this plastic jug, rinsed but didn't check. So she made the drink, everyone in the family had a bit of it, except me. The drink runs out, dad prepares a refill and notices a dead lizard stuck to the bottom of the jug. I sure felt sick in the stomach even though i didn't drink the "essence of lizard"

And sometimes you find lizards in the cups you leave in the basin overnight.... it's disgusting...
omg! that sure is awesome-ly sick. like it's so awesome i could puke here and now. haha. *shudders.

but nobody fell sick right?
Nah no one fell sick, but it was an extremely gross experience. Ask fruitwine, he had a taste of the juice :lol:
psionic said:
ever had a big lizard jump off the wall onto ur shirt?
that freaking hell happened to my big bro when he was in pri 3(he's in NS now)~ we were dead tired after the first day of hari raya and dad was opening the door and sth just dropped from the ceiling and fell into my big bro's chest pocket. it was big fat lizard. it was squirming in my bro's chest pocket(its so wrong i know) and my bro can't stop screaming.
actually lizards arent pests are they? I always see them attacking the "real" pests such as cockroaches, moths, and BEES(WHICH I TOALLY HATE)...however, i understand from my maid that muslims are supposed to kill all lizards they see, am i right?

oh, btw pepper...sorry, but if u read the stupid AVA regulations...ALL REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS EXCEPT RED EAR SLIDERS AND FEEDER FROGS ARE ALLOWED TO BE SOLD OR KEPT... :? Im a fish keeper, i hate that ruling...cos i love newts..."red ear slider" is the real name for what we commonly call "terrapin".
lol, its ok...i know this fish farmer who can get all these endangered soft shell turtles, star tortises, newts...etc. maybe can ask him...shhhhhhhh..i got a SST and many firebelly newts from him before..
however, i understand from my maid that muslims are supposed to kill all lizards they see, am i right?

Is that true? Hmm, if it is, maybe Pepper would like to volunteer to rid my kitchen of the lizards? :lol:
when did lizards become pests? i just dun like them jumpin onto me cus its not a nice feeling..haha...but well witout lizards it means theres gonna be heaps of flies and other insects...gotta strike a balance dont overkill man...besides i heard...if u kill lizards..they come back for revenge... :roll:
go and die lah, eman! LOL. drive me around for supper than i'll consider ah. =)

urm your maid is violent. lol. i mean like we don't like *karate kick!* and hyperventilates and go "KILL THE LIZARDSSS" lah. but in the Qur'an(sort of like a muslim's 'bible), supposedly, lizards caused some stuffs to happen and stuffs la. lol. some prophet story. so yeah, maybe thats why we're supposed to hate lizards. but i love chameleons. i duno why. chameleons are not lizards right? [wth. im askin a rhetorical qn. =(]
pepper- will grab the lizard by the tail, open her mouth and drop the lizard in. Swallowing whole, then grab the next. I swear lizards are an endangered species now.
I would absolutly LOVE to watch her perform that stunt!

Definite Fear Factor Champion if she pulls it off!!! :lol:
ya she told me the story, the prophet hiding from some ppl, then the lizard chirp, then the ppl went over to they saw the guy they killed him. Aiya, chameleons are not in the same class as house lizards(which incidentally arent lizards at all, they are GECKOS)!

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