My Legacy & No Escape by Oshiego(updated)


New member
Oshiego just uploaded their re-recorded version of their song No Escape. We are currently in the midst of recording our upcoming EP, Now Suffer! which will be released sometime this mid year. So do grab a copy!

Comments would be greatly appreciated since it is still a rough mix of the song.

Here is the link:

You can also listen to our live recording of the song, Now Suffer! recorded at Metal Wars 2. Hope you guys will like our stuff! :twisted:

Till then, support local music! :wink:

Updates: New song legacy..same url...Enjoy!

Kadir (vocalist), Oshiego
there r very few young metal bands tht r reasonably good, considering all aspects of the music - vocals, technicality etc. n i shall include oshiego in my list. most death bands in sg with gore vox r like gore-tak-jadi, with only countable exceptions, including this band. gd job oshiego n keep making new material.
oit boon...not planning for recording for psych 4 ah? i want to buy demo leh...or even better an album ah :twisted: