Hey guys im back. I've been in Sydney for the last month adn have a week left, which explains my absence from the forums and gigs becuase im on a crappy connection. new site looks good aswell james.
Those of you who have studied in Australia will have probably heard of 'goon.'
Goon is the slang name for a box of cheap Australian wine. it cost about $10 for 4 litres of the stuff and is popular among uni students alike.
It's a cardboard box with a very strong silver bag with a small tap where you pour the goon out of.
Now I love this stuff and itsa highlight of ym trips to Australia but I havent seen it in singapore so im wondering if its sold there.
This is what is called a 'goonsack' or 'goonbag' and its the bag with the tap in it.
me drinking goon from the box/tap:
a poor innocent box of goon about to be drunk
This is what he call a legend on campus in Australia.:
May I also add, once you goon is gone you can blow up the goonsacks and make pillows or better yet, a couch!
Those of you who have studied in Australia will have probably heard of 'goon.'
Goon is the slang name for a box of cheap Australian wine. it cost about $10 for 4 litres of the stuff and is popular among uni students alike.
It's a cardboard box with a very strong silver bag with a small tap where you pour the goon out of.
Now I love this stuff and itsa highlight of ym trips to Australia but I havent seen it in singapore so im wondering if its sold there.
This is what is called a 'goonsack' or 'goonbag' and its the bag with the tap in it.
me drinking goon from the box/tap:
a poor innocent box of goon about to be drunk
This is what he call a legend on campus in Australia.:
May I also add, once you goon is gone you can blow up the goonsacks and make pillows or better yet, a couch!