My Bands Song - Duxton Plains


New member
hi band just did a recording..& we wud like to share it with everyone..hehe..its nt a 100% done & its also not mixed yet but i hope you guys like it & we welcome any feedback so we can further improve..sorry if its not that good as we're a very new band.. :oops: anw you can check us out at
we're currently saving up to record more..& were also playing for the sg street fest..we hope you guys cud come down & rock out :twisted: with us hehe..itll mean alot to us..thanxx :D
Hey its a good recording. I think when u say unmixed you mean, not EQed etc. for the levels, it is mixed.

But I cant get my head around the fact that this kinda of music sounds like someone else. this song, the beginning when ur guitarist slides in like that, its too common, then the short pause, to common in your genre. I doubt you wanna be a sheep? but your singers good but mind u i only listened to 1minute.

Dont get me wrong though, it is good, but at some parts, it sounds too common. get it?

Keep it up.
weee.thanxx so much for the reply & for the sumone replied.haha..but thanxx so much for the advice..we really look foward to ppls say so we can further imrpove our stuff..yeah i gez it is our most amateur werk cuz it was the very first song that our band wrote when we first started out..right now we do try to keep an open mind on ideas for our songz..but im proud to say that we now have an "arsenal" of new originals that we cant wait to share with the public..but again thanxx so much..hope you liked it anwz =)
Nice work on your first song! But the only thing that I find rather weird is the pauses between some parts of the song segments (verse, chorus etc). The drum parts directly after the pause doesn't really sound nicely fit into the song imo.
ah..thank you :D ..we shall keep that in mind for future songs..but thank you so much for listening & for the tips..i really appreciate it :P much love!!
wooo not bad. But there's a lil too much pauses I guess? Like what badgers said, it's kinda common though. I like the verses.

But still! Goooood work! :)
thank you so much for the feedback guys :D ..really appreciate'll help us to try & do better with our others songs..weeeee......cheers :P