my band: black-ductape :)

Nice tune, good melody, great guitar tone. Vocals need to be up front and clearer. Good effort.
I refer to "NEW Call To Arm" song.
Your kick sounds weirdly compressed. The release is too fast giving a "cut-off" sound when it hits the threshold. Lossen the release time slightly more.
Your kick drum EQ conflicts with the tom EQ. You need to pump more lows into the kick man.
The cymbals could do with more 5-6Khz for more shimmer.
The overall balance is ok.
Vocals sound too far back. Try adding between 3-6Khz and see how it goes.
Did you open your mouth fully when you sang? I hear a lot of throat voice.
Work on the Panning. Too many instruments fighting for attention in the centre.
Bass sounds ok.
The toms are well compressed and EQed though. :D
i love the intro and verse solo parts, the solos fit very well.

the cymbols sound very "digital", like its pre recorded though, and yep, vocals have to be louder.. sounds lost in the mix.

the rhythm guitar's fantastic...
the bridge's fantastic with the drums..

yep, great song! thrashes the other 2 recordings on the same myspace.
colarndo: thanks very much for the constructive stuff. i'll try to fix it. i agree on the bass drum release being too "fast" and the eqing of it. i had been having the problem of the frequencies fighting for space. i'll probably repan it again and cut out some frequencies. vocals wise, i was really trying hard to do it fast because of the limited studio time, so yeah. haha. but i'll work on it :) thanks.

keith: thanks alot man. appreciate it alot. i try my best to have my recordings better than the older ones, so i hope it worked :)
First heard your band when I was poking around on quite a long time ago...Its amazing how much your band has grown. :)