My 10, 000th post ..... finally

THANK JERRY0C and XLAYAR .. Im feel the shyttes at work & ur words have made my day :D
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wah big bro
10k already
wah...power lar
i still long long long long long long long long way to go
Actually, your post counts reduces when the old threads in the various buy/sell are deleted. Assuming you do post in the buy/sell.

Consequently, your posts in those deleted threads get deleted as well, hence the reduction.

I think only the buy/sell section is subjected to this.

No worries, no one's or no bug's is trying to deprive you of the glory of your 10k worth of posts.
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Ahhaha, a note of sarcasm is too subtle to detect on forums boards.

And no, fgl, there wasn't any sarcasm intended. Sorry if it appeared that way.
Sarcasm's a witty language used to convey insult or scorn; I intend neither towards you. And I'm not witty.
I'm just a bit amused, I mean, it's just a post-count. But I understand that 10k's a milestone and it ought to be celebrated.

Again, cheers!
Ahhaha, a note of sarcasm is too subtle to detect on forums boards.

And no, fgl, there wasn't any sarcasm intended. Sorry if it appeared that way.
Sarcasm's a witty language used to convey insult or scorn; I intend neither towards you. And I'm not witty.
I'm just a bit amused, I mean, it's just a post-count. But I understand that 10k's a milestone and it ought to be celebrated.

Again, cheers!

ok then ...and thanks for the "sakarism" then ....:mrgreen:

wahahahaha joking .. :-D

peace bro / out ;)
like that you'll hit 10k twice bro.its better than hitting once.more than an achievement.

im still 6k more from that holy 10k.