My 10, 000th post ..... finally


Well-known member
At long last - here's my 10 000th post .....

Just wanna say it's been quite a ride here in soft ....

cheerz everyone
keep this account. create another one so this will be a prove of your number 10,000th post. maybe your new nickname will be.. fgl2

your signature will be.. i created this account to beat my first account which holds 10,000 post.
Bro fgl - - - Eh.hhhhhh how come reach 10,000 post already and still carrying on from here. I though upon reaching 10,000 post-count it suppose to re-start back to - " 00001 " Kekekekekekeke... whahahaha... cheeky me har?

Congrate - bro
syed_zack - thanx for the compliment ..hahahah but we wise ones also "talk rocks" alot too ...heee heehhee:mrgreen:
OMG! Incredible!
I've been here for ages and I'm not even remotely close to your number of posts. Whoa!!!! Congrats!

HEE HEEE i kinda like being here ...lets see if can hit 20K or not wahahahhaha:-D
wow, amazing! congrats! thats a HELL LOT of posts. look at my measly amount of posts compared to yours. you da man, respekt!!!!! bro bro!!!!
thanx vicko - U only got 8 600 +++ more to go to hit 10K

hahah respect 2u2 daryl