Musicman Stingray

aquanaut dude, he's not asking musiciansfriend to ship to singapore.. they will ship to a vpost address in the US itself then vpost will ship it here.. the address he gives to musiciansfriend is the vpost address, in US.. =)
music123, wwbw and musicians friend are run by guitar center.. :) so you're basically buying from the same place.
hi, im actually in the midst of shipping a bass via vpost, it'll be my second bass from the usa.

just to alert you guys of a couple of things:

1) my shipping cost was more than that ($200+) because my volumetric weight was quite a lot more.. im still wondering why, but i think you should check if the the dimensions given were the dimensions of the bass itself or the dimensions of the bass *once it was packaged*

2) my first bass shipped had a couple of small dings on it... not trying to scare anyone, but just telling it like it is ya? you could consider insurance, which should be abt $30-$50.. but im not sure if they will ship it all the way back and ship in a new one for you, or compensate you or..?

all in all, still a good deal though :)

keep it low..
Alright I will double check with them, but I'm quite sure I specifically asked for the final package dimensions and weight so it should be accurate. I've already taken volumetric weight into consideration.

Since music123 accepts international CCs I will check with them the dimensions of their packaging, I guess should be similar...
hmm music123 doesnt have a wide range of colours and its limited to the single humbucking ones. I will email them to check the availability of the rest. Hopefully they do stock such items.

Last resort would be buying from Musiciansfriend using credit concierge service from which incurs another 5% extra cost.