Musicman stingray VS OLP stingray

Hee got my yamaha bass liao lah.

The neck feel similar but no finishing for the yamaha bass. Squier neck got finishing.

Read that maple neck shd have finishing cos it's soft.

Sadowsky is cool. Tried Lakland? SG does not bring in much basses i guess.

Walk pass Sinamex and saw the musicman.. hee drool.. :p

Hahaha, yea, musicman are drool worthy, your yamaha bass should be finished, no one makes unfinished necks these days, too dangerous. Yours should be an oil/light lacquer finish.
I tried both OLP and Musicmans before ... certainly the Musicmans are much better built than OLPs ... but honestly i find that the Musicman stock tone is horrible .. the highs are brash and it doesn't have a nice tone .. well .. IMO ... until you swap out the pickups then you have a nice bass there ...
Yammy necks have a very light oil finish to them... I also thought they were unfinished but I took a closer look so yeah. Then again it was a BB415, so I could be wrong for other models :/
superkicky said:
Yammy necks have a very light oil finish to them... I also thought they were unfinished but I took a closer look so yeah. Then again it was a BB415, so I could be wrong for other models :/
No problem, I will check and revert to you'll.
Thanks for your reply.
How's BB415?
Oh I think Lousic Johnson is the first person that use the Musicman Bass.
Thk he mentioned that Fender created specially for him. hee

well olp and musicman,if you want to mod olp heavily,change the pickups and preamps,plus add a slot for battery,you can get a bloody good sound out of it...of course sr is much better in terms of neck,choice of colours and hardwares,for sound, i haven heard the stock pickups b4
for olp,i like the neck,but the neck finishing is not my taste la and the tuner quite problematic,for my case,but if i can find some shop that can customised a olp neck for me,i will,really worth it for me...
reyrey said:
well olp and musicman,if you want to mod olp heavily,change the pickups and preamps,plus add a slot for battery,you can get a bloody good sound out of it...of course sr is much better in terms of neck,choice of colours and hardwares,for sound, i haven heard the stock pickups b4
for olp,i like the neck,but the neck finishing is not my taste la and the tuner quite problematic,for my case,but if i can find some shop that can customised a olp neck for me,i will,really worth it for me...

So you own a OLP? is it the Tony levin signature or?

Where did you try the musicman?

if got money, i sure buy musicman.

variax shld be quite fun la, got so many sounds. but i feel theres no character to the bass...if you know what i mean (:
Lol, the variax would be the ultimate backup bass man, can bring any bass along as your main axe and never have to worry if your backup bass. :lol:
wraith said:
Lol, the variax would be the ultimate backup bass man, can bring any bass along as your main axe and never have to worry if your backup bass. :lol:

When you bought the Stingray is becos you wanna do slap stuff or you find that the sound is what u r looking for.

I know there are Musicman bass tt comes with more than 1 pickup which is more versatile.

What you think?

I bought the bass cuz i liked the sound and the look of it. Not to mention the neck. Want to buy a fender one of these days though, or at least own one long enough to decide if i want one. Ahahahahaha :)
wraith said:
I bought the bass cuz i liked the sound and the look of it. Not to mention the neck. Want to buy a fender one of these days though, or at least own one long enough to decide if i want one. Ahahahahaha :)

Haha wonder why so many pple wanna get a fender.. hmm i dun ming the Stum hamm urge bass :p

Yeah, everyone seems to want one, and since i don't have a jazz in my arsenal, i want to at least add one in. Might not be a fender lah, but a jazz bass, hahahaha. :)
wraith said:
Yeah, everyone seems to want one, and since i don't have a jazz in my arsenal, i want to at least add one in. Might not be a fender lah, but a jazz bass, hahahaha. :)

Hee Fender got nice Jazz bass.. Get the Jaco one lah.. or unscrew the pickguard myself.
Still like the Urge bass leh...

Maybe get the Fodera Jazz Bass.. tt wooten used? He strung it as A D G C when he played nowergian woods right?

Hee.. Guess conclusion is Musicman still a much preferred choice than OLP?

Lol, would love a fretless one of these days, but have no need for it yet, and foderas are still out of my price range. :lol:

But yeah, musicman would still be the more popular choice, after all, its really like comparing the squire line to the fender line of basses, in the end, people will still want the original. :)

*Note: No offense meant to you squire users out there, its a decent enough bass, just using it as an analogy.