Musician's Institute

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New member
Hey!,I'm thinking of going Musician's Institute nxt yr.

I'm wondering if any of u guys have nay details abt how to register and what are the fees like.

I will really appreciate it.THNX!!!
Check out their website for more information.

You may need to have a Toefl which can be a pain considering we speak English mostly in SG.

Spend as much time practicing, learning theory and sight-reading.

How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

Or join a buddy of mine going to Institute of Contemporary Music in UK~
I need help pls.

I' already posted once but nobody seemed to reply,

I WANNA GO MUSICIAN'S INSTITUTE,but i dont know how to go abt doing it.The website doesnt help either.

Why don't you drop them an email and ask them instead? Since you seem as though you really really want to go there. Its not right to imply that no one wants to help you, considering its safe to assume that not many Singaporeans have been to MI.

Anyway i just found this in about 2 minutes. You sure it doesn't help?
i think cause if haven finish NS, must apply for deferment if want to go overseas to study. can cost up to 10k?
and it's not like ur application will definitely succeed.

better to go NS first, cause they give up allowance when u're inside =D
haha, but anyway if u're really keen on doing to MI,
going to NS first may help u if u get into the drama club, i think
I dont have to wry abt money that much...i think..LOL..

But my only problem is how am i going to settle all those crapy things.I dont know where to start.
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