Musical Instrument that means the most to you


New member
Just wanted to know

Which musical instrument meant the most to you throughout life as a musician :)

My would be hard to say. Miss my first electric. Was a strat. Cried over it hahas i do regret a little selling it but since the arrival of new guitars/amps things are starting to brighten again. :D

Also my first violin. (still have it.) got it when i was 6

So share people.
definitely my piano,
has not been tuned since like i was 7?
would not be able to create music without it.
i can't write tunes on the guitar, i need to piano.
i can only write tunes on the piano, then transpose it for guitar.
haha, tat's weird
My first electric guitar, which was given to me as a reward for doing well in my exams when I was 13 years old. I still keep it and I have never once thought of selling it. Recently, I gave it a new live and damn it was reborn again :)
My Congress acoustic guitar, given to me for my 12th birthday. I think it was primary 6. My mother didn't agree with the idea of me having a guitar but my dad supported the idea and bought me an acoustic guitar with a Jim Dunlop pick. It was unexpected and surprising to me.

Still keeping it, still playing it, still caring for it, still enjoying it. ;)
haha my squier affinity series strat i got when i was 12 as a present. (about 3 years ago) its still with me, ive modded it a thousand times over, and she plays like butter. Im serious. Heck i think she plays better than some fenders. my #1 is my fender though. haha
hmm my recorder disappeared long ago..:(

nah just kidding.
my first was a yamaha acoustic guitar which i bought from a friend in sec 4. and i worked and saved up some money and got a silvertone starter set last year. worked fine then i got a new guitar from soft. i gave that silvertone to my sister who's improving really quickly. so yeah. at least all 3 guitars are still in the house.
my TGM acoustic
i had it for 8 years
my dad passed it to me
hahahaha,now i simply love it

even though rusty,still playable
lots of mojo and character