Musical Instrument/Software for Composition/Arrangement

Too bad....
Just Check My Notebook, the maximum that I can upgrade on this model is only 384RAM.
Headache now.

Just listen those demo from Triton.
No bad.
I think thats what we can do on music that computer can simulate without real instruments.
those sample found under Triton LE is rather "electronic". (And i think it is good only for doing POP,Rock,Dance,Remix...)
But some of those orchestra instruments sample under Triton Rack & triton Studio (especially "Progression II")sounds very good. but.... what does "Includes In-Track sampled solo violin and flute" means?

GPO is a "software" that can produce the sounds itself.
Triton is made use of its build in sampling sound to produce.
Am I right? (Pls correct me if I am wrong...)

Quite curious on what GPO can do when it been integrated FINALE 2006.
I believe the "in-track" thing means sampled phrase. An entire phrased was sampled.

Actually, the Triton Studio demo wasn't too bad - good composition actually. In terms of the sounds, it sounded like a "very good synth". In terms of realism, we want something more than just a "good synth sound". But that's because people into sampling are just being picky. However, it is still very usable for most people. If the sound is OK for you, go for it!

GPO is not just a "software". It is a software sampler player. In terms of articulations for each instruments, it is still more extensive than most synths (if not all).

Finale 2006 is just a software that comes as a package. It does not add to the value of GPO. GPO runs on the Native Instruments' Kontakt engine - which in itself is quite powerful. You also get incredible control using the mod wheel. And no, I don't own it and neither do I work for GPO!
Thanks guyz for info.

Now I need to deal with my notebook's hardware (no choice...too lousy) first,
then find a confortable software (just browse website for info, Seems like GPO & Kontakt not bad) before getting any suitable MIDI Controller Keyboard/Synthesizer to accompany it.
If you plan to get a synthesizer, you don't need GPO since it will give you the sound you need. Save money. So you need to plan carefully so as not to waste money. Update us on your new gears when you get them!!!
teraslasch said:
nah, GPO adds on to more real orchestra instruments, synthesizers don have the full range of an orchestra

GPO will always by more real because of the number of articulations and the great control of Kontakt compared to a synth. But a synth does have most instruments short of the detailed articulations which, depending on the type of music one writes, may be sufficient. For you and me, I'm pretty sure a synth is never enough. Once we have gone down the sampler track, we'll NEVER go back to a synth for orchestral sound. Right teraslasch?
u should be looking at no less than 512MB ram. 1GB recommended. a recent model processor. pentium 4 or AMD athlon will be good enough.

if you're gonna get a laptop, the onboard soundcard will do if you're not fussy. just remember to use this third party ASIO driver called ASIO4ALL for the sound device.
iansoh said:
u should be looking at no less than 512MB ram. 1GB recommended. a recent model processor. pentium 4 or AMD athlon will be good enough.

if you're gonna get a laptop, the onboard soundcard will do if you're not fussy. just remember to use this third party ASIO driver called ASIO4ALL for the sound device.

On my way upgrading...
"onboard soundcard" means...?
(as normally notebook doesn't spec sound card)
"ASIO4ALL" can be used for all device?
Cheez said:
Once we have gone down the sampler track, we'll NEVER go back to a synth for orchestral sound. Right teraslasch?

totally agreed.. they should compile like all the best samples into one tone generator ^^... all the companies combine their samples haha...then can save alot of space :p...
Garritan Personal Orchestra (GPO )'s requirements

iansoh said:
u should be looking at no less than 512MB ram. 1GB recommended. a recent model processor. pentium 4 or AMD athlon will be good enough.

I just happened to saw the following in GPO's FAQ sections.
Seems like it required more than what you stated above.
Just wondering how truth is the spec requirement stated in the GPO's FAQ section.
(seems like these spec not achievable by notebook).

Any GPO user here to comment it?
What is your PC/notebook spec & how many instruments can be loaded? any problem encountered?


Q: What kind of computer and equipment is required for Personal Orchestra
A: Personal Orchestra is designed to work on modern PCs and Macs. The Kontakt audio engine is designed to make use of the processing power of your computer's CPU. The powerful and complex algorithms of the Kontakt Player work best on modern CPUs. Please also observe the systems requirements of your host application. We recommend the following:
- 2 GB of free hard disk space. DVD Drive for the DVD version or CD/DVD Drive for the CD version- Windows XP, Pentium 4 /Athlon 2.0 GHz or better is recommended - Mac OS 10.2.6 or higher, G4 1.25 MHz minimum but may not load the full orchestra; G5 1.6 GHz or faster is recommended. - The Kontakt Player needs a soundcard for playing the sounds of Personal Orchestra. For Windows: Standard DirectSound, MME or ASIO drivers required - ASIO recommended for the bundled GPO Studio and Cubasis. For Mac: Core Audio or ASIO. To play the entire orchestra, we recommend 1 GB of RAM. If you require the full piano or the entire pipe organ along with the orchestra then 1.5GB of memory is recommended. There is a direct correlation between the number of instruments that can be loaded and the amount of available RAM. The more RAM available the better. Keep in mind that this is only necessary if you wish to load them for real-time playing. If you are willing to render parts to audio then you can get along with far less memory. Likewise, if your sequencer has a "freeze" function it is not necessary to have the larger amounts of memory. - A MIDI interface is required if you are using a MIDI keyboard, another MIDI controller or an external sequencer. The MIDI interface integrated in many sound cards can also be used. A Mod Wheel on your keyboard is recommended. The Mod Wheel controls volume so make sure to move it up to an audible level. If you do not have a Mod Wheel, then have the ability to assign the controller to a sequencer or an external controller.

Q: How many instruments can be loaded into my Computer?
This depends on your computer. With a Pentium 4, 2.8 Ghz, and 1 gigabyte of RAM, users have reported running up to eighty instruments at once as a VST plug-in Users with a slower Pentium 2.0 reported loading over 50 instruments. Users with slower processors - like a 1 Ghz Mac report about 20 instruments. Your experience may vary depending on your settings, programs, configuration and other factors. The Kontakt audio engine is designed to make use of the processing power of your computer's CPU. The powerful and complex algorithms of the Kontakt Player work best on modern CPUs.
mingguan said:
Budget wise should be below 1k (possible?) or 3k (max)..

Typicallly "AI PEE, AI CHEE"

If u are poor but have expensive taste, welcome to the club.

Anyhow, get a fast new PC/laptop, way more versatile than any hardware synth; the only hardware u need nowadays is the masterKB and audio/midi i/f

GPO is a good choice, similarly Synful Orchestra (strings good only) QuantumLEap / EASTwest Symphonic Orchestra Platinum, VSL Pro edition, Sonic Implants stuff...I suggest you look at the price tag 1st b4 listening to the demos for this libraries, it will save you a lifetime of yearning.

Then again if you are prepared to work xtra hard at coaxing sounds, even a cheap sample library from 12 years back can sound good. Having the freshest fish in the world doesn't make you the best sushi chef. Money can buy you the sound quality and technology to facilitate creativity, but only to a certain level. As you get more and more high end, the rule of diminishing returns applies.

if you want to write pieces by inputting notes into scores and then hear results, check out (good idea, so-so execution IMHO)
Re: Garritan Personal Orchestra (GPO )'s requirements

mingguan said:
I just happened to saw the following in GPO's FAQ sections.
Seems like it required more than what you stated above.
Just wondering how truth is the spec requirement stated in the GPO's FAQ section.
(seems like these spec not achievable by notebook).

The amount of RAM determines the number of instruments you can load. More the merrier. GPO recommends 1GB for loading the entire orchestra. If you don't need to load all, then you don't need 1GB of RAM. But with softsamplers (be it Kontakt or Gigastudio), I would recommend min of 1GB.

It is totally achievable by a notebook. I can achieve 160 polyphony with my notebook (Gigastudio) - it uses more horsepower than GPO.

I agree with overcast. Having the best samples doesn't mean one can create the best sounds. It is all about skills and experience. However, the newer libraries (be it EWQLSO, VSL, SI running at the GS or Kontakt engine) do help to minimise the time and effort needed to sequence. Older libraries need significantly more coaxing and tweaking than the newer ones.