music scene still the same, some bands made it overseas, more bands still awaiting chance to play shows, pay to play shows etc. Country is still good, more good years ahead. But might take a while longer to fully withdaw cpf mone. More erp gantry set up, erp prices increased last week. Penal code 377a still remained, despite the big hoohaas, so MSM is still a crime in the country.
more foreign bands visiting singapore to play shows than before. Even thou it seem sad compared to else where. But its been quite good year for gigs(foreign/local) imho
in summary, the rockers who just found out bout locale music still trying to fight for more recognition, the half way thru rocker still doing things to do more shows without much talking, the all the way one, some still doing, some decided to get a real life
te above, to be taken with pinch of salt, soem real, some not true, some some.
your sincerely
ah kau from cck