a note about the digitech bass squeeze.
it's super tweakable, so I'm sure with some experimentation you'll get the punchy you want.
I think it sounded crap to most people because they haven't put in the time to play with the settings. (which is some sort of a -ve point since it's not so easy to use.)
the good part is it's multi-band comp, and you can change the the cross over frequency at the level you like for the 2 different compression settings to affect both bands.
like I said, it's super tweak-able, so chances are it's very likely you'll find the sound you want.
the bad part is that it's not very intuitive and you'll take some time to experiment to get the sound you want. it's not transparent, and I don't think it's meant to be transparent. the other bad part is it eats your battery FAST!
now onto the multicomp, why do you want to sell it, it's a really really good compressor! Super transparent, doesn't color your tone (except tubesim mode), and let's the natural character sound of you bass come through, it does what it does - compression, and nothing else. it's really good!