Multicomp vs keeley 4 knob comp


New member
Been scratching my head for quite some time now. if i should swap my multicomp for the keeley 4 knob. any of you bassists use this comp? i heard great reviews for both. i look for a comp with good attack and p-u-n-c-h! i tried a few settings on the multicomp. i feel that it mainly cleans up my signal and thats about it.

so would appreciate reviews and feedback! thanks!

why doncha try out a keely first? but i heard from guitarists its quite transparent until like cannot hear the diff, so i dunno whether its punchy on that account.
the keeley 4 knob compressor beats most comp pedals.
dod milkbox comp comes next.
im a guitarist actually.
but it should works well with bass.
bass squeeze from digitech sounds good too.
i recommend these 3.
i'm sorry, but the digitech bass squeeze was absolute crap on bass. i tried it out several times on different occasions and could not get a usable tone out of it. the dod milkbox took out some lows as well.
well, i would def try the keeley 4 knob comp if i could! theres nowhere here where you can find one. so on that account its damn hard to tell. thus, need comments. and i think the 2 knob is realy trans but the 4 knob has a trim and attack knob which will prob allow you to give your bass a more punchy thumpy sound. as for the demeter. adam next time let me try lah :p

i know matt (allura) you tried it before. could you describe how well it works for bass?

much love to all!
Was looking for the keely 4 knobs last time.. Guitar 77 sells the 2 knobs and probably can bring in the 4 knobs for those interested.

The Aphex Punch Factory is also transparent but slightly more bunky than keely.
a note about the digitech bass squeeze.

it's super tweakable, so I'm sure with some experimentation you'll get the punchy you want.

I think it sounded crap to most people because they haven't put in the time to play with the settings. (which is some sort of a -ve point since it's not so easy to use.)

the good part is it's multi-band comp, and you can change the the cross over frequency at the level you like for the 2 different compression settings to affect both bands.

like I said, it's super tweak-able, so chances are it's very likely you'll find the sound you want.

the bad part is that it's not very intuitive and you'll take some time to experiment to get the sound you want. it's not transparent, and I don't think it's meant to be transparent. the other bad part is it eats your battery FAST!

now onto the multicomp, why do you want to sell it, it's a really really good compressor! Super transparent, doesn't color your tone (except tubesim mode), and let's the natural character sound of you bass come through, it does what it does - compression, and nothing else. it's really good!

i spent 2 hours with the digitech and still couldn't find a usable sound... even if i was able to, the noise floor was too high for any practical use. dbx technology inside or not, no compressor should have a noise floor that high — feed it into a gain pedal and you'll have a ridiculously loud stage hiss when nobody's playing. i've used dual-band compressors with variable crossovers before and the digitech does not come close.

i understand it might not be supposed to be transparent, but there's a difference between compression as a nice effect and compression that gives you an over-processed sound.
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hmmm i've really not experienced high noise from the bass squeeze like you have.

I haven't used it yet since I got the EBS Multicomp which is such a good quality compressor. Maybe I'll notice the difference after using the really high quality EBS Multicomp and going back to the Bass Squeeze.
Didnt you tell me at homeclub the 4 knob one was power? haha.
Anw i heard great reviews for the 4 knob esp for bass and i want that attack and sustain option to tweak with! the Multicomp is good but just not enough of what i want.

okay i got the keeley 4 knob yesterday and oh boy! awesome! its really quiet (unless you max the sustain...) but other than that it gives me punchy!
great to hear man, and in time for ur gig too

the multicomp is superb, really QUIET, transparent. just what i was looking for. and i had to wait till sunday night to try it out cos my rig was at my drummer's house

i can't really hear the diff between the normal and multiband modes though. too subtle haha
i left the low trim pot as it was but i turned the high trim pot back up very slightly. so far so good