Re: Hi
To pigubaoza: Hi, epiphone standard is at $720. The old shop is officially closed, but we do offer great discount depending on what you are looking at at guitar77. I would advise you to drop by the shop and we would do a face to face consultation on all you enquiry. best regards.
To iamSerenity, YUP! pedals and amp too, as we offer buy, trade and sell pedals, but not amps. do drop by the shop for all prices as we have more than 100 pedals!! or do call 63387707 for ANY enquiry.
To love_replicate, mon to sat 1pm to 8pm sun 1pm to 6pm. thank you.
To Revelt, Sorry man, no ibanez jet kings. thank for asking.
I hope i have answer all your questions and if you got any enqiry do drop by the shop or call 63387707, if is really urgent, do drop me a sms at 91864194
Cheers to ALL!!