Bram Stoker > Anne Rice > Low Kay Hwa > Ris Low >/= Stephanie Meyer
LOL. Good one.
But seriously though, has any serious reader tried leafing through the dribble that is Twilight, the book?
I can understand the hype of Harry Potter. J K Rowling IS a very good author and story teller.
But with Meyer, all you get is cardboard cutout characters, two-dimentional predictable actions.... and a lot of "she said angrily." "she said confusedly" "she said shyly"
Even the mighty Stephen King once said in an interview that "Meyer can't write worth a darn!"
If your prose is good, don't use adverbs, because you don't need to. Meyer could learn a thing or two from her very own fan fiction writers who do a better job at telling a story.
If you want to watch a truly, remarkably fantastic and heartfelt vampire love story, please please please go to YouTube and search
'Let The Right One In Part 1'. You'll find the connecting videos there too so you can watch the whole film. It is the movie Twilight tried to be but was not even close to becoming. It's a little known but absolutely fabulous Swedish vampire flick. Now THAT is a vampire movie, and by the way,
Rotten Tomatoes ranked 'Let The Right One In' #2 greatest vampire movie of all time, #1 being an old flick in the 50's . Watch it, so you can laugh at Twilight fans with righteous vigour!