Movie rant: Twilight- New Moon

If you're a dude, why the hell are you even considering watching Twilight in the first place, unless it's to get a chick? I don't understand some people, they watch a certain show and then go "OMG THAT SHOW SUXX"(tend to be done alot on facebook). It was the same with Jennifer's Body. It got horrid reviews on the internet, of course it's going to be crap. What, do you think your taste is any different from the reviewers? A shitty flick is a shitty flick. I watched District 9, Inglourious Basterds and Drag Me To Hell this year, all because I read up the reviews and cause they had good directors/producers, and SURPRISE! they were balls to the wall awesome.

What do you expect from a movie / franchise catering to teenage girls... When I first heard about it, I thought, "what an insult to the vampire legend". But different people have different tastes I suppose... I've learnt to avoid ANY film catering to teens.

Hai ima Edward Cullen, a vegetarian vampire (hypocrite) and i want to suck some blood!

Only naive seventeen year old girls need apply.

Possibly the worst vampire move EVER made....

For real vampire fans:

Finally a fellow Let The RIght One In fan!

Now that's a vampire film worth watching. I'm in love with that film! Eli the female vampire would kick the butt of Edward the Sparkling Pixie any day.

For those interested in watching a beautiful vampire flick, search 'Let The Right One In part 1' on YouTube. :)
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I've heard so much bout Let the right one in, before I even started checking soft about movies and this thread. Probably going to catch it soon.
Hmmm... Speaking of 'Let the right one in'... Anyone here read the original novel? I read it sometime back, really liked it. But didn't expect a movie to come out from it!
i believe the best movie that is currently in the cinemas now is:
*jeng jeng jeng*


without any shadow of a doubt! :twisted:
i believe the best movie that is currently in the cinemas now is:
*jeng jeng jeng*


without any shadow of a doubt! :twisted:

lol, the movie is ok, what hit me the most is the intro! For whom the bell tolls!! But to be honest, the movie is kinda crappy, the storyline and all :(

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