More International Indie Bands coming to Singapore.


New member
I was browsing the tv yesterday.
And to my shockness, Channel 5 News reporting on Music in Singapore.

With interviews with Rockstar Collective's , Razi Razak , Straits Records and KittyWu.

Thats something nice to hear about.

I searched through the CNA webbie.

Heres the link to the video .

Find for my thread title there.

Good for our scene. Hope CNA cover more about local music scene in Singapore.


thats a new word isn't it

just kidding, its good that lamc and the rest are doing more to bring more gigs to us
the interesting thing bout that news piece is that theres no mentioning of big timer promoter, but couple few smaller indie ones who have been around for a while to more recent one.

after the publicity, life still goes back to normal
Yea, they should mention more about other promoters too. Maybe soon.

Good job for every promoter there is. Good thing the media is taking note of us.

i do wish to see CSS next year
and cold war kids,and clap your hands say yeah.
so far these 3 are on top of my most-wanted list.
I wanna catch Danger Radio , Attack Attack , All Time Low , Mayday Parade and many many many moreeeeee.....