'Moonlight Sonata' - Psy-Rock Version!


New member
Hello again everyone.

This was one of my project for my degree, to re-interpretate any Sonata piece of my choice etc etc. Any how, I chose Moonlight Sonata and hopefully in order to achieve a Psychedelic Rock feel.

Recording done by myself


Guitars: Myself
Bass: Gregtalow
Synths and Piano: piano_ex
Drums: Myself

Me and piano-ex just sat down in the studio and we planned out ideas etc. But hopefully, you all will enjoy it. I got ear fatigue from mixing this. Lol. check it out.

I didnt know where else to put it up so I used my bands site.

www.myspace.com/theexxit - Moonlight Sonata

Omg!!! I just listened to it online, theres some strange noise during the middle section. I think its cause of the mp3 format and the internet stream. Blergh! Sorry guys.
Haha cheers bro. Ive been told its very Dream Theater-ish but I wouldnt know because I dont listen to Dream Theater. But I should...

Overall, it sounded ok. But, should put more effort to clean up the wrong notes on Keys and guitar which sounded too obvious. If it's a live record, it is excuseable but knowingly as pre-recorded this should not have happen.

The background sounded perfect, but the pitchy notes here and there spoilt the whole composition.

Hey Badger, I think you guys had some good ideas goin on.

I particularly enjoyed the intro bit, drums, synth and guit...with the guitar picking intro. Kinda pink-floydish.

I felt that the guitar solo in the prelude to the hard-rock portion of the song was generally ok, but there was a lot of space for greater expression. You could've made use of dynamics to emote better. I personally was hoping for a david gilmour-esque type of solo there. :D

The hard rock intro rhythm didn't sit well with me somehow. Did you use some modulation effect with the distortion? Would've preferred an organic distortion tone, maybe even more towards a metal tone. I could think of grabbing some ideas from the Trans Siberian Orchestra folks as well.

I felt somewhat lost from the middle onwards.

Also, the change in the lead tone from clean chorus to fuzzy OD (not the one at 4:03 or so, before that) was rather abrupt.

The last solo climax was pretty nice, just a bit short imo, and you could experiment with a slightly heavier OD tone, may get a darker, more forceful sound? If that's your intended msg, of cos.

Thanks for sharing, keep those ideas churning!
Hey Ankh and KenC. Appreciate you taking time to listen.

@ Ankh: Yeh the wrong notes here and there was because my keyboardist only ever had 1 take. And never had chance for another. It was meant to be the 'fixed up final idea'. But even though the wrong notes are there I still believe there not 'Extremely noticeable'.

As for my mistakes. Well, which parts are you talking bout? The middle section? Lol. Very hard cus that part just improvise and improvise along with the piano, and as you can tell theres no metronome cus theres no 'actual timing'.

Also at the end. I only ever saved 2 of my million guitar solo takes. Lol. And by the millionth and 1, my string snap!!! Brand new sia! Then I wanna cry. So that take was the 1st good take.

But cheers bro. Thnxs for listen.

@ KennethC: Cheers bro. Yeah I wish I could have spent MORE time on this project but its already 2 weeks overdue. Maybe sometime in future I could rework it. Somethings I felt didnt fit, like the drums at the end are a bit sloppy. Cus im not a a drummer. Lol. My favorite is the last part of the first drums section. Very Bohnam-ish hi-hat trick. Hehe.

But anyways, until such time as I do get to redo this, me and my friends are working up a Funk-Rock track for ya'll. Should be a blast. 8)

Thnx guys. :lol:
Another great piece of playing dude!

I'm not so good with words to describe lah, just like it very much. Sounds very orgainized. WOW!

The solo is solid!!! really got FEEL sia!
PErsonally, I think the lead sound got a little overdose of chours. I would prefer a dryer sound. But hey, again, just me and my own opinion:)

Great Job ! everyone :)
Haha cheers RGX. Yeh maybe I'll reduce the chorus. I like chorus sometimes, makes the stereo-ness sound wider. But I forgot to reduce the mix for it maybe. Cheers.
If people ask you if they can download an original song from you what would you do?

In this case, quite a few people have been asking me for this song file from me, as Ive disabled the download function. Thing is, even though I have all the original files and everything, that isnt enough to hold copyright, does it?
i've been having that dilemma too..

its not that my work is good or exactly worth copying nor am i suspicious..

but sometimes..we are weary of unscrupulous musicians..aight it?

i say...NO! :lol:
For those covers songs I didnt mind activating the the download cause its not really something that I wrote in the first place. So I dont mind. But even though Beethoven wrote Moonlight Sonata, this is my Re-interpretation. How to share sia?

I have all the original files, like the whole recording session file, ProTools file, individually dubbed tracks, master track wav file, etc etc etc. But can do poor mans copyright? Lol.
haha .. dude,

I'm really amazed and shocked that you used that stupid 1 take and able to make it into this ....

effort sia!!

i think i was thinking of jordan ruddess when i played my last solo? lolx ...

btw, put everythin in a disc, then mail it to yourself ... so that you have it with a post stamp date .... that will help in the court if somebody ever want to con ... =P
hello! mmm, to me it doesnt sound anything close to dream theater. but i haf to say ur version of moonlight sonata is really impressive, the way u guys create the atmosphere with all the reverb as well delay i think, sounds sweet.. i like it. keep it up man. very pink flyod man!
whaa!??! i dun have any score dude ...

lolx .... unless u want to transcribe what i played. ... mwahahaha =)

@ NoMiS: hahaha ... yup yup .... i neva think of dream theater as well actually ... =P
Some reason it kinda reminds me of the Matrix Theme in the first Matrix. Not the one at the shooting part. but the one when they are driving to go see the lady who baked the cookies. :lol: