Moody Leather Bass Strap - Worth the Money?


Am thinking of buying a Moody 4" Bass Strap. They're pretty expensive so I was hoping for some opinions from people who own these straps before I fork out that much cash.

A comparison with other straps (like Levy's) wouldn't hurt either :)
Hi 5stringswonder,

I just got a nice 4" moody strap from Cherns. It really the best strap. Feels great, looks cool. I am using strap locks on it as well. Nicly click on to my bass. It really reduces alot of my left shoulder mussle ache ever since i changed to using Moody Bass Strap. lol

No regrets. Thanks to my lovely GF. Give this for my Valentine Present.
jacKy's StoRy: Hee Hee My Moody Strap is Here!
Hi jacky, thanks for the reply. I've taken the plunge already. Managed to find a good deal for a Moody strap on Talkbass. It's in the mail while we speak. I'll post my opinions once I received and tried it. Hopefully it lives up to its reputation.
I love mine to bits! It's the main strap that I've been using for the past 5 years and by the way it wears, it'll probably last way longer than me.
sorry if I got about OTT.....

does most basists use normal electric guitar straps?

my bass is kinda heavy so when I went shopping for straps I made sure I bought the strongest and the thickest (widest) one I could find.

the guitar straps look pretty thin and dangerous that it will snap on heavy load to me...
Hi jacky, thanks for the reply. I've taken the plunge already. Managed to find a good deal for a Moody strap on Talkbass. It's in the mail while we speak. I'll post my opinions once I received and tried it. Hopefully it lives up to its reputation.

OH the one on talk bass. With a bass clef logo. lol
Looks cool. Welcome to the moody gang.
Nope, not the Talkbass Signature one. Managed to get a good deal from someone selling a brand new one on the classifieds.

No bass clef but hey, it's still a Moody..
Hmmm doubt a bass would snap an electric guitar's strap. There're much higher chances of a bass dropping from improperly secured straps rather than the strap giving way.
hmm.. as long as its comfy i guess its fine. its like car seat covers, whether is pvc or leather or plush, serves its function eh.
Agreed. But I think the worry here is that our shoulders will snap long before the guitar strap does :)

well, yeah.... so a wider strap is much easier on the shoulders since the weight is distributed out over a larger area on your shoulders.....

and worried about narrower strap snapping too...

wider feels more comfy and secure... although it may not really snap break ahahahh :)
i'm thinking of the most endangered reptile there is. cos reptile skin quite shiny, it will look great under stage lights. maybe snake or sth, macam the snake is slithering up my back