Monitors or Soundcard


New member
Hi, which is more important to get first? Monitors or sound card?
I'm using computer speaker monitors and sb live. I have a condensor mic (studio projects b1) and mixer , keyboard and other instruments.

haha i have the same dilemma. I'm using some crappy altec lansings currently to monitor my audigy soundcard. Think i'll get a proper pair of yamaha monitors (ns-5?) before i upgrade my soundcard. Only thing the monitors cost $400+ .. ouch! Think the monitors are more important relatively speaking than the soundcard.
ha..ha.. this is a tough one.

speaker can see. meaning once you buy it, your 'studio' will look nicer. soundcard is tuck away, nobody will even bother.

maybe spend $200 for a pair of nice nice headphone and $300 for a

then when you have more disposable money, go and get that $2000 active monitor!
I don't really like to mix with headphones, tend to turn up the volume too loud - spoil my aiming for budget monitors. Any to recommend? I've been looking for the KRK RP-5 on luther, but no offers so far.

Actually not true. Getting a good pair of headphones (and comfortable ones too) that gives you flat response and mix, would be a better option actually. Even if you have the best pair of monitors, without a proper acoustic environment to mix in, your expensive monitors would do you no good.

Unless you're talking about your own studio lol :lol:
U have to remember one important thing is that to have good sound, everything from mixer down to speaker all must be so call good in condition and results. So for the budget wise it really tough to make a choice here. For me monitor speaker play quite an important role. But like wise u have to ask yourself what kind of sound u want. Choosing monitor speaker the freq response is important. :)


actually i using a pc speaker act as monitor speaker due to budget. My 2.1 pc speaker is good enough for me to hear what i am recording. Let me share with one of my real story.I had experienced i had recorded our own original songs. After i did a mixdown in all tracks, i hear from my monitor speaker i hear a very good mix sound. But when the song bought into a poor qualtiy speaker example handphone or those normal pc speaker the bass cant be heard as good as mine monitor speaker. So this tell me that even u got the best monitor speaker or soundcard, u can hear very good qualtity but not others because others dont have good monitor speaker. This is just my opinion. What do others think?

That is the reason why some studios have different monitors to check out their mixes in various listening conditions. These can can range from full range 3-way monitors to that small cube speaker (forgot the name).

It is important to understand and 'know' your monitoring system well, in order to produce mixes that'll sound good in most listening conditions.

Also, the enviroment (the room in most cases) plays an important part too. No point a having $10 000 monitors if you don't use them properly.
Ya thanks lunarsoul for your info. Tat is why i dont recommended very expensive monitoring unless u r going for professional stuff. Dont overspend too much on these becos there is always a higher mountian. Ha. ;) High technology getting higher...

Hmmm... I experienced this but it was kind of the other way round. The bass could be heard in the mix on my pc speakers but when I played it somewhere else, at my friend's house it can't be heard at all. I though the purpose of monitors is to give a truer sound so that it is more, universal? As in, it will sound more similar over many players, no?


What kind of PC speakers are you using? The 2.1 satellite and subwoofer type or just left and right speakers? If you are using the former, I'd suggest you watch the subwoofer level and take care not to turn it up too much.

There are a few things that might have affected your mix. Firstly, how does it sound on other sources (headphone, earphone, discman etc)? Compare it between different sources and try to get a general idea of how it sounds. Does it lack bass overall? Or only in a certain listening condition? The next thing is your friend's sound system? Are you familiar with it? Do you often use it as a reference point for your mixes?
most of these cheap 2.1 pc speakers have an artificial bass boost - hence when you mix on these speakers, the bass will artificially sound loud to you. But when you bring your mix to listen on other speakers, the bass will be 'missing' because your cheap 2.1pc speakers 'tricked' you. Hence it usually pays to get decent monitor speakers. They usually have a 'flatter' response curve.
the other factor is your room- don't put your speakers too near the walls as that will artificially boost the bass as well... square rooms also tend to boom at certain frequencies.. all these contribute to a bad mix. :D
Wow i learnt a lot form you all pro regarding the 'trick' of bass boost. I am using 2.1 speaker creative LX 220. I hope it will not cheat me haha.
i can say for sure mixing with PC speakers, or normal altec lansing speakers confirm won't be good.

But if your sound card can't record at a proper quality, it doesnt makes sense to listen out for details that you DIDn't record... LOL

I'll say go for the soundcard then upgrade the monitors.