

thanks for sharing with us your writing.

i went through them but have difficulty understanding the gem.

just a thought, is there any chance that you could guide us through some of them?

hello again.

you're welcome for sharing with us the writing and thank you for taking time to look through other stuff online that's available. i really appreciate that.

i think this one isn't that confusing.


it's got a storyline to it so i think it might be a bit easier somehow.

maybe give it a shot first i guess.

nice to see you again mr. grim.

better days ahead.
I'd love to see some of the peeps from the poetry/lyrics section thread come in and start doing a practical analysis of this piece.
I had a quick skim through this morning while I was supposed to be paying attention to the Mac lecture. Will sit down to do a proper reading this evening.

Nice to see you back again emphibian. 8)