modified BMT


New member
hey people. Just wondering if anyone here has been through the modified bmt? I just wanna know wad I should expect and how does it defer from the normal BMT.
depends. you bai ka (leg broken) or bai chiu? (hand broken)

normal bmt is 3 months.

modified bmt is like errr i think 7 weeks. if i recall correct.

modified bmt requires you to specialize a range of extreme vigorous country serving skills called "Sai Kang". when you reach to a stage where you stopped getting "knocked down" by your sgt for poor performance, then you can call yourself a sai kang warrior.

10¢ worth
im so getting the jitters for ns. gonna leave the country one day.

maebe i shud juz do it earlier so i dun have to go ns.

it'll save me 2 years of my life.
gotta say i disagree, you rather save 2 years but get condemned/banned from the country for the rest of your life?

look on the bright side, i realised this when my friends from overseas (australia) told me after I whined to them (like you do now) about it and they were like "cool!" , how often do you get to throw a grenade / wield a real man's weapon?

besides, some girls really dig the uniform... :wink:
then again , with that static hair-do , it'll backfire as a double edged sword as if you're some kinda despo army kid
then leave really hahah. esp if your family's overseas and you're an accidental singaporean cos your parents had a "bad timing" and you were born here while on a holiday or something 18 years ago if you know what i mean.
because you're having "jitters for NS". like every other 17+/18 years old kid would.

if you were a voluntary enlistment kid at 16 years old. by now you'd ord and post : "hahah ORD OH! that's old news for me."
oh yea..silly me..i din tink of that.well..hope i get into police.

but its a racist world out there.
yea i noe..sensitive topics aside.

but argh..the sun..gonna get like excess of it in the sun.

but well..i cud really be a good time to push my limits.
juz hope that life wud be a breeze.
yea..haha..but my poly mates..they all seem to tell some gruesome stories abt ns..well not rilli gruesome..

its juz not so desirable.
2 years only... some more 5 day work week. i think by the time i go in... i'll be treated like a civil servant. HAHA!
come to tink of it..the recent batch are fortunate.better food,allowance..and i heard they kinda cut some slack in the longer as harsh as it used to be..
yep, I used to be Pes C, modified BMT, but cos i'm from taurus company (a.k.a psycho company /abusive trainin don't give a crap if you're excused this or that, they order you do.) it's as if pes A still.. + i'm the last batch of recruit drawing $240 per month. you new guys are alot more luckier. and now that regardless of you A levels/diploma or O levels or none. you serve 2 years plus reservist 10 cycles. (reduced from 13).

welfare has been met. just do it. haha.