modding mt2?


New member
hi guys..i would like to seek your opinions..
should i mod my mt-2 or sell it and get a gt-2?

what are the good and the bad?

That's kind of like asking should I upgrade my fries to cheesy fries or to onion rings.

What is it you want out of the sound that your current MT-2 cannot obtain?
its something like Mt-2(squier)...gt2(fender)
a modded Mt-2 will be somewhat like a gt2..tts what i heard :D
Hey how did you get to the review? It's not under the review section is it? Darn, I've problems navigating.
Stock mt-2's are quite shitty.
But depends on your preferance.
You may wanna arrange with randolf and set a date to try his pedals.
MUST TRY ok. later you regret.
gt-2 would be a good choice too.
makes a single coil fender sounds like a gibson :)
well try it out.
Despite having done a rather impressive MT2 recording hahaha... tone wise.... it desperately NEEDS to get modded.

It does not cut at all in a Band situation! Plus, that fizz... ugh....

The mod removes the fizz and makes it more cutting. Also, it breaks the gain into 3 stages via a toggle switch. Very useful.

Of course, if you can afford a GT2, go for that.
What do you mean set up nicely? Do share
Mine hisses like an ass when I turn the drive or distortion up high.
yeah shredcow..the recording is really impressive..but whats your view between a gt-2 and modded mt-2? how will they fair tonewise? will the gt-2 be more versatile compare to the modded mt-2?
Phil, MT2 is quiet despite uber high gain... maybe you upped too much treble or mids?

Pinkspider, the GT2 will be more versatile. The MT2 mod, you should still go contact randolf and try to listen to it yourself. Or go to the SHARE Thread, stickied above... maybe someone has one and is willing to let you try it out.
If you ask me now, btw GT2 and MT2, i will go GT2, but its all a matter of circumstances, you can afford a GT2 now? :D
a GT-2 is nice, but its boring after awhile. The MT-2 is a nice improvement, but still not really as good as you think.
yeap can reply one now..will try asking others for sample e. thanks yo!

btw what is the shop name in sim lim dat sells the gt-2 edsen??