Mixer Repair


New member
Erm im not sure if this is the right section,

but i have a behringer mixer 2442fx, which died on me.

the light which indicates which effects are on turns on then fades out and nothing is able to come out of the speakers.

anyone know where i can repair this? I fear it might a short circuit. I bought it from ranking.

Wah, was thinking of buying one until I saw this. Care to explain more about the problem? You mentioned the "light which indicates which effects are on" turns on then fades out. Do you mean the number lights on the FX panel?

Was it working fine before?

Anyway, can you just bring it back to Ranking? Any warranty on the set?
Hi Jupzones, maybe you could describe more details that we could know the possible problem. I have a berhinger mixer too, and it have serve me for more than 4 years without any problem (except once it kill my hifi when i accidentally turn on the phatom power on the channel).

first, is the power indicator lighted up? next, is there any output on the Alt output? third, since it is a passive mixer, could it be some problem on your amplifier system, DI box, instruments or incoming signal?

just try first. Of course, if you are getting it from Ranking, send it back if it is still under warranty.
1)power indicator lights up, but the screen where it displays what fx are on by showing the fx number lights up and then turns off quickly, or doesnt turn on at all.

2) there isnt any thing connected to the mixer, except the 2 speakers, which are active delta audio.

3) it used to work with everything, but now not even the mics work on it, sm58.

quite pissed off because my band used to be able to plug in all the instruments including drum micsx5 micsx2 guitarsx2 bassx1 and use the output into my laptop and get quite decent recordings.

but now cant.

warranty just expired so im not sure if ranking will help me out.

help anyone ? :(

Some of the mixer's channels has got direct outputs right? Try plugging a mic into one of those channels and see if there is any output from the direct outputs.
Also try see if there are output on the aux send and subgroup outputs. Basically, try to troubleshoot to see where the problem lies.
Also, try to use another power cable. Maybe the power cable is spoilt? If I'm not wrong, there is an built-in power supply on this unit, so you can just use any "PC power cable".

Sorry to hear that it spoilt when your warranty just over. How long did it last before dying?
have given up all kinda stuff behrigner made. the only one i'm still using is their headphones amp. other then that... they need to do better on their R&D. (got their mixer/DI/Vamps/compressor before) every single units give me problems. the mistakes i made is to get somethings cheap. the mixer even spolit my amps/monitors once. not too sure how is the product now.
let's help jupzones instead of bashing the brand.

i see rolls royce break down on the road too.

how long have you had this mixer? are you VERY familiar with its operation?
as far as i know for mixer with built in efx. they are most likely patched to a aux. i have a strange feeling that it might be a operators problems then a machine one. check your manual again, it might help. :)

just to let everyone know i sent the mixer down to mikemann at goldenwall factory for repair, turns it there was something wrong with the power unit inside, posssibly caused by a power surge.

anyway it's fixed now, thanks for the help everyone :)