mikemann help me: Humming when i on my tube amp.


New member
Hi Mikemann, i seek your opinion/ advice. When i turn on my tube amp to warm up, the amp started humming. As i turn up the volume, the hum increased. Wat can be the first and foremost issues based on your experience?? Otherwise can anyone chip in any recommendations? Hope i can solve it as it is bugging me...
Hi, you need to give me more clues and details before I can think of the possiblilties.

Like how old is your amp, what model, when the problem started, was the tube changed before??

Other than that, I'd suggest you bring to me to check it out. Cause, we can only make more like wild guess over here.
Hi Mikemann, thanks for your reply. My amp is a 3 months old 12watt Savage Audio, two pairs of 12Ax7s & 6V6. Over the net i gathered that it could be most likely be the tubes. I have changed the pre-amp. Similar humming issue. I suspect it could be the power tubes (EH6V6). However i don't have any spare power tubes to test out. My intuition tells me it is most likely internal problem. How can i reach you bro? Any shop?
Oh ya. I actually had the Macht 6 watt but found the headroom too thin. THe 12 watt is fabulous and sweeeeettt....BUT the humming happens on this 12 watter. Thanks Mikemann.