haha.. do you call me?
btw, why watch power ranger? watch the original from japan the SUPER SENTAI. now season is Go-onger dunno how they gonna adapt this to Power Ranger version.
Precisely! im anticipating for the american version of Go-onger, Power Rangers RPM.
i mean, no offence to all sentai fans, i feel that the japanese version of power rangers have a tinge of humor by adding silly stuffs to their sentai series though just to see how their american counterparts deal with it.for example;
in Hurricanger, the rangers have scarfs that they like to well sorta dance along with just after they henshin. the american version, Power Rangers Ninja Storm, they totally editted the scenes with scarfs.
in Gekiranger, the morphers for GekiVoilet and GekiChopper, well TMO is a tad funny as compared to normal morphers (GekiViolet's morpher's got the bell thingy which is hilarious though it goes with the Muay Thai theme and GekiChopper's morpher is abit too big for its size). the american version got rid of the bell thingy and Wolf Ranger is stripped off his Muay Thai theme even though his suit looks like Muay Thai player and they just made Rhino Ranger's morphing sequence more serious.
and now, Go-onger, the japanese went three steps ahead. they've made talking mechanical mutant animal zords. Im pretty sure the japanese are keen to see what the americans would do to "serious" up in their american version though.