Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

btw u know red ranger jason

he end up being gay pornstar..

Lol...that is the best thing i have heard abt them in years.

If you think abt it, yeah he always seems to be a little too close around Tommy.
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not really, :D he's been very close with zack (the original black ranger). though, i kinda doubt that austin st john (Jason Red Ranger) is gay.

anyhoots, in reply to the first post, i doubt you can find reliable streaming sites that show the first 3 seasons of power rangers (Tommy, green & white ranger). you can try youtube though but i guess they have selected episodes here and there.

unless you want to watch the later seasons, im pretty sure you can get all the episodes of power rangers operation overdrive and first 25 episodes of power rangers jungle fury on youtube.

if you're planning to watch the later seasons, try lightspeed rescue, ninja storm, time force and spd. awesome seasons they are. *nods*
this show brings back loads of memories...i remember when i was kid, i used to wake up early and wait for it to be shown on channel 5 :D, there was no kids central back then lol
aha theunknown, don't worry. you're not alone. HAHAHA

last time i heard, kimberly's an actress/singer/songwriter/musician. got her own website some more.
thats sad of jason.gay pornstar.

childhood memories flashing in from of me now.just love their megazords.uber cool!
if you're planning to watch the later seasons, try lightspeed rescue, ninja storm, time force and spd. awesome seasons they are. *nods*

Power rangers were good till Time Force. Then everything seemed to crash and got funnier. I didn't even bother to watch Wild Force cos I felt it just wasn't power rangers to me anymore.

I love power rangers when they are all focused around saving Zordan. Mighty Morphins Power Ranger was still the best though. :D I have some episodes on VCD. Woohoo! AND I HAVE THE MOVIE ON A LD. Classic!

Aye, Jason turned gay? He was quite cool! :/ And I always love the black ranger! Haha! So when they were showing Power Rangers Zeo, I was so happy that the strongest power ranger was a black ranger!
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Here you go!

yeah red ranger isnt gay guys..
mistaken identity.
i loved the power rangers!!
only the might morphin though the others were plain trash.
Power rangers were good till Time Force. Then everything seemed to crash and got funnier. I didn't even bother to watch Wild Force cos I felt it just wasn't power rangers to me anymore.

i stopped at season two of mighty morphin, didnt start back till a friend of mine told me about Wild Force's Forever Red Episode. i know wild force season is crap, but forever red episode's the one that got me into power rangers again. this time i kinda followed. *nods*
Those advertisements during those times.

Someone please make an animations on Power Rangers!
haha. Power rangers was the shit back then. To be cool in kindergarten you had to have a power ranger toy... Awesome show.

unfortunately they had to switch the roster so many damn times and by the time mighty morphin season ended, when they turned to kids or something, it got old and i sorta grew out of it.

years and years later, about last year when i rewatched the show, i realised why i didnt like it after the first few seasons. after that the storyline became complicated when they got the zeo powers and billy left... then it really sucked with the later seasons. real nice downfall there. but i think turbo was pretty cool. the movie at least...
heyhey i have the red ranger toy, the one from mighty morphin, only without his left leg. hmm how much can i get if i sell it. hehe.

yeah man, my friend had the white ranger sword with the lion head thingy. i was soooo jealous!!
hehe me and my cousins used to pretend that we were the power rangers. so every saturday, when we meet, we'll just go on an adventure or something. i was black ranger and my sister was yellow ranger. HAHAHA
the good ol' days.

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