metronomes are a real must espacially for drummers. it's is important fror drummers to keep at a constant tempo during a song unless planned otherwise. it is the drummer's job to drive the band, in other words try to make the music more interesting and exciting maybe by adding in demi-semi quaver rolls on the snare drum or wat ever. BUT..driving the band doesn't mean speeding up.. remember...speeding kills. but slowing down is not a good thing either...if ur playing a funk groove and u lost your tempo and slow down, the music WILL get boring..
personally i don't use one because i don't have money to get one. but if u guys have money..please save up abit for a metronome. doesn't matter if it's an electronic metronome or not. it serves the same purpose
the drummer is the heartbeat of the band..slowing down means dying, speeding up means heart attack, which leads to death. u need the click of the metronome. u need to develop wat's called sub division. it's hard to explain sub devision here. so i won't go on. it self practice or wif a band..always use a metronome. it will help u very very much in the future. you will find that u are able to enjoy your own composition of music better.
i haven't actually expained much about whether u should use metronome or not. there are still some more things to it. but the bottom line stays...u will need one.