metal sticks???
nahh.. dont waste your money on them.. serious..
go for the traditional ones lah... the wooden drumsticks.. why not..
using metal sticks during drumming wont spoil your drums, unless if you hit at the rims ah..
actualie the metal sticks will hurt your cymbals, if not, destroy..
you wudnt want to destroy something that you paid far more expensive then your sticks dont you....
furthermore, personally to me, when i play the metal sticks, i can sumtimes feel the kind of vibrations whereby 2 metals hits together.. and i dont like it at all....
the onli metal sticks that are worth buying and safe to play wif are AHEAD drumsticks, altho they are not 100% metal ah..., and of cos if you got $60 ~ $80 to spare...
if youre thinking of using them as weight training, why dont you get wooden drumsticks but of different model, say if you wanna play 7A, practice wif 5B.... heeh heheh.. abit extreme i must say, but you get my point...
but i tend to agree wif mark, practice wif your own sticks ah.. dont need to keep opn changing sticks in hopes of getting more power..
the more you practice wif your own sticks, the more comfortable you are wif them, the more you know how to control them....
i use to keep on using Mike Portnoy's sticks, but they are light and thin.. sumtimes i lose grip... when i change to trad 5A, well, onli different is, i can grip better ah....
but now i'm using 5B Vater Extreme Power... initially, a lil hard ah... grips wise, control wise.. but once you get the hang of it, it'll be like any other sticks... hahahaha
just keep on practicing using your own sticks...
dont even bother to think about buying the metal sticks...
well, unless if you
a) wanna destroy your cymbals
b) want to buy and frame it up
c) wanna buy as a gift
d) wanna be a poser and pose in front of girls... hahahah
just my many many cents worth...