metal, lightweight-steel drumsticks

It is totally not worth it (no practice value). Am saying this coz I bought a pair when I was damn young, and stupid too. HOWEVER it is an awesome weapon. It's seriously a damn good weapon. It is extremely lethal. Last time I scared away some bengs with it. Damn good deterance.
yeap i agree with funki... its not really fun playing with it... only can action around to other make them go WOAH... but othet then that nothing... u hardly see any pros using them
actually can la.. if u think ur drums are like ah beng. go ahead buy and whack!! haha it won't do any good to ur drums really.
good advice. stick to wood la... wood very nice.. can whack ah beng oso.
but if u wanna compare wood sticks and those metal ones rite. there are earlier posts and debates about it. go check em out yea?
i tried searching for this kind of sticks on this forums, but to no avail. read a few but its 'woody' related. any links? Thanks in advance.

Currently, i'm quite interested in this kind of sticks. I've got a few qns

1) Do they dent if used harshly? e.g. rocking
2) price?
3) any specs? e.g. 5A, 7A
4) lighter than most wooden sticks?
5) are they gd when used on rubber pads/electronic drums?
6) good for rolling (even extreme rolling)?

currently, i just switched to playin drum machines and i have never used metallic sticks be4, and tired of seeing my wooden sticks snap broken. so on rubber pads (like those u see in the drum machines in the arcade), are they gd?
i've used them... but it sucks... quality wise ok lah, long lasting... but got no feeling... its like u use normal wood sticks easy and nice to play... use this one not so fun... then if the place ur using is like air con until ur nuts freezing, chances are ur metal sticks will be ****ing cold... i hated it... its just mainly for actioning purposes... joey jordison used it for a while, then he switched back... and when u crash on ur cymbals, its just weird... the sound is totally different, coz its metal on metal... I am addicted to ahead sticks... especially the joey jordison signature series ones... oh yah... like using metal sticks is easier to dent ur toms
and yah of course they are more expensive... like one pair at least 30 smackeroos in singapore... (or so i think)... then rim shots also sound rather weird...
Well, another man's wine is another man's poison. That's how the saying goes I think. it's up to individual, some people might like playing with these sticks. :D

I've never played on these sticks before so I was wondering, are the sounds completely different, or just a slight difference when playing with these sticks ?
snare and toms wise almost same... but cynbal wise, not same... haha... i was playing with those sticks at my uncle's house, and i was like f**k this sticks man... and threw it at the wall... lol... however if ur into heavy metal, thrash metal, u might wanna consider trying these sticks out...
It's also very heavy... slightly heavier than my Virgil Donati Assaults... without the proper rebound, tone, and shock absorbing atrributes, of course.