METAL: Bands you've recently HEARD and would like to RECOMMEND

Hey fellas,

I've just came across this Finnish band, Excalion. Check out Wingman, Arriving as the dark and Losing time.
haha im always open to listening to everything.

You should be. Metal consist of a number of genres. And it's only right that one listens to each one of it. Perhaps you found a suitable, sub-genre that you like, don't dwell on it.
I once encounter a shop owner when i told him various albums i would like. And it consist of Grindcore, Melodic Death, Gothic ... And i got a rude shock when he told me this: I doubt you'll listen to metal all your life. You don't seem serious about it looking at how inconsistent you are when you listen to metal."

I felt offended. And i hate being doubt. Since then, I never went to his shop and he stop messaging me his promotions.
Lets put metal aside, can't someone who listens to metal listen to pop, jazz, alternative? But whatever it is, I learnt that that guy doesn't find the importance of music being UNIVERSAL of all genres...
What a loser.
A true music lover is one who is willing to give a listen to other genres.

Just some experienced i wanna share. :)
haha i agree 100%. i've dabbled in practically everything. pop, jazz, classical, rock, metal, you name it. its good for my knowledge and helps me especially when writing my own compositions.
well i pretty much liked their latest album, ghost opera. actually i liked all their albums hahaha

HA, i find all their albums good, juz that i'm so used to kahn's voice i find listening to vanderbilt's voice a bit strange, haha.

but overall their lyrics are quailty man.=]=]

anyway, i think we should be open to all kinds of music rite? i mean, i mostly listen to metal, but u can catch me sometimes listening to jaco pastorius=]=]

hah, ok...of topic liao...dots...
Grave released their latest album Dominion VIII and its back to grave's old school shit! which is awesome..

Blood Red Throne with their album Altered Genesis(not the latest but the most killer)

And do check out this band HATE from Poland. Their latest two releases are killer. They are like Industrial Black/Death Metal. Albums: Anaclasis: A Haunting Gospel of Malice and Hatred(2005), Morphosis(2007)
Protest the hero - their new album Fortress is awesome. Kezia, their previous album also not bad. its not really the conventional headbanging metal. its even hard for me to comprehend their genre at first, but I'd classify them as math metal/mathcore. takes time getting used to. odd time signatures. there will come a time where all the songs seems familiar. they dont consider genres. the vocalist claim that genres are irrelevant. its more of a lyrics and techicality band. senang cakap alaa young dragonforce but with more feel. I personally dislike dragon force cos everything is very robotic. too technical.

my favourites from the band.
turn soonest to the sea - from Kezia album
the divine suicide of K. - kezia album
blindfolds aside - kezia
palms read - fortress album
bone marrow - fortress album
limb from limb - fortress album
goddess bound - fortress album
I just got hold of Eluveitie's Slania and my! It's the best combination of 2 sub-genre of metal. Probably the best album of 2008 for me... so far...