Mesa/Boogie Stiletto Ace Combo

Hi guys, here' my review of Mesa/Boogie Stiletto Ace. I'm not a serious player but more so having fun experimenting with different tones and sound - how the knobs interact with each other.

Satisfaction Level - 9.8
This is a 50w 2xEL34 tube amp, that comes in either 1X12 or 2X12 speakers, mine is 2X12. 2 Channels are available, each with 3 modes. Channel 1 - choice of "Fat Clean", "Tite Clean", "Crunch". Channel 2 - choice of "Crunch", "Tite Gain", "Fluid Drive". Both channels allows you select either dioide or tube rectifier independently. With regards to the knobs, gain, treble, mid, bass, prsence, master can be set independently for each channel and in addition, there's a master "out" and "solo" knob - comes with a two swicth footspedal for channel/solo selection. Power can be set to "spongy" to lower the output to brown out the sound. The only thing missing from this amp is the "reverb" which to me is relatively a minor issue.

Satisfaction Level - 10.0
This is my second Boogie amp and I've been comparing with the other one (Mark III simul class combo) side by side - quite a difference given the two EL34's on Stiletto Ace and two EL34's + two 6L6's on Mark III.

In general, the tone is rather bright, could be because the speakers/tubes are realtively new but not bad at all. Each of the sound are distinct instead of getting blurred as in some amps and that's what I like about Boogie.

I've been experimenting the tones of this amp with both my PRS Custom 24 (PU changed to DiMarzio Al di Meola model, both neck and bridge) and PRS Custom 22 (PU changed to PRS HFS and Vintage) - the amp is extremely versatile. If you want a crystal clear tone, you've got it in Channel 1. Add a little crunch to it, would be a great tone for rock-type backing.

For the solos, obviouly go to Channal 2. If you want a VOX type sound, you've got it. If you want a classic Marshall type sound, you've got it (Channel 2 Crunch or Tite Gain). And of course, if you like the Boogie sound, you've got it in the Fluid Drive although slighly different from the trademark Mark series. In each Modes though, even at high gain the sounds are clear and sounds rich in tone. Each note can clearly be identified instead of being blended or blurred and on top of that, the sustain seems to last forever although this could be because of the combination with my guitar/PU.

As with any Boogie amps, it takes quite a while to find the sweet spot you like - tone setting is crucial, I can tell you this ain't a plug and play type of amp. And I can tell you, the amp is extremely loud, does not sound like a 50W. Same goes for my Mark III which is 15W/75W simul. I have a feeling that Stiletto Ace or the Mark III (both in combo) could beat a Marshall 100W stack.

Satisfaction Level - 9.9
Boogie amps are darn heavy...this one weighs probably 40kg, easily. Thank god the wheels come along with it otherwise I'd have problems moving it around! But being heavy means that there's no compromise in it constrction whatsoever and I often hear that Boogie amps outlives the owner. True enough the Mark III (doesn't come with the wheels though!) I have is from 1989 and it is trouble free up to this date, all I have done is replacing the tubes. Manuals are comphensive with recommended settings, along with R. Smith's (Mesa/Boogie's President/Designer) insight on tube biasing and vaccum tubes.

Other considerations for me was the JCM900, JVM410, JCM2000(TSL100) but what made me choose Stiletto was the versatility and the tonal quality.

Overall, I am extremely satisfied with this amp I'd give it a 9.9. Why not a 10.0? Simply because you never know what will happen, right? Although I have a feeling it'll become a 10.0!
Subversion - For an average metal type player...needs toying around with the knobs to find out the right spot. Gets quite close already with my PRS + my PU combination, straight into the amp without any stomp box, so with the right guitar+PU+Pedals+Setting, I'm quite sure it will. The only thing is, some may find the overall tone somewhat on the bright side.

Zerker - My pleasure! I'll try to write one for my Mark III when I have time.

Midnight - I bought a Marshall Jubilee silver 25/50 combo back in 1987 and that sounded nice too...but when I came across Mark III several years later and tried it on Class A (only 15 watts), it just sounded much louder than the Jubilee on 50W! Also the tonal quality was much more to my liking. Went back, checked out who and what Mesa/Boogie (I didn't really know who they were) was all about through magazines (no internet back then) and decided to trade in. As for the Stiletto Ace, I bought this in HK - yes I had to pay the excess luggage upon check-in and GST at Changi. But guess what, the amp itself was about $1800 cheaper than buying at a discounted price in Japan. With US, I figured it's about the same as shiping one from there. If you get one from Japan or US, you'd need a good down transformer too. So all-in-all, after calculating, I figured it's much better to get one in HK - I think I saved good $1400 or so. Well, of course I bargained hard in HK for the amp itself to begin with!
Subversion - For an average metal type player...needs toying around with the knobs to find out the right spot.

for those who are distortion inclined (myself especially), buying an amp with inadequate drive output is really self-defeating, especially at this price tag but we know that there are other MESA models excelling in this domain.

too many people equate the MESA brand name with high gain/ drive involvements, let's not forget that MESA has carved its niche in other music genre domain as well.
for those who are distortion inclined (myself especially), buying an amp with inadequate drive output is really self-defeating, especially at this price tag but we know that there are other MESA models excelling in this domain.

too many people equate the MESA brand name with high gain/ drive involvements, let's not forget that MESA has carved its niche in other music genre domain as well.

Yep, for those that are distortion inclined but is considering Boogie, I would suggest trying out the Recto's than the Stiletto's - 6L6s will do a better job for you than the EL34's - much more bad-ass gain. But to be perfectly honest, Marshalls may have the sound you like at a lower cost.

Fully agree with Subversion - it really depends on what range of tones you want. For me, I wanted the versatility - I'm a big di Meola fan...that's why I ended up with the two Boogies!
Di Meola's tone is a little thin in terms of bottom end (had been this way since his Les Paul days...) but the signature crunch sets him apart.

i used to marginalize tubes according to what is represented by the amps they are in but there are too many EL-34 equipped amps around today which prove their distortion's worth.
Di Meola's tone is a little thin in terms of bottom end (had been this way since his Les Paul days...) but the signature crunch sets him apart.

i used to marginalize tubes according to what is represented by the amps they are in but there are too many EL-34 equipped amps around today which prove their distortion's worth.

Yeah, high mids, trebles and presence (according to Di Meola himself from his old "Guitar Player" interview) - quite interesting to listen to the evolution of his sounds throughout the years from the early Return to Forever days till now.

True, so many EL34s amps around - but I'm not sure if it's really because of the distortion or is it? I would have thought 6L6s would give you much more of the nasty gain...

Well, here's my next plan - playing around with different tubes on my Mark III. Currently have EH EL34s and Jan-Philips 6L6s - so what's next???
the power amp tubes are only enjoyable if one cranks up the volume. despite the tube in amps, manufacturers also wire their wares to give off a certain voicing. i was never an EL-34 equipped Marshall fan until the JVM came along.
So how much?

Yo Pandeiro... it's nice to know that you got real good savings. Still you have not told us how much you paid for it .... Going to Hong Kong this week and really keen to look for a Mesa. Can tell me where you got it and for how much?

I heard that Mesa is cheaper in Thailand... Guys is this true?