Mass Order: Guitar parts etc from USA

mudmechanic said:
Marshall Law: I don't know about the RS kits, so cannot advise there. If you want the push pull pots then you wil have to check the length of the shaft for me (they are only short shaft) and only the volume ones. Check this and get back to me.

Er... how do i check it? Do i need to remove the pots and measure it?
Yes, Tou are going to have to remove the volume pot and measure the length of the shaft. You will have to do this anyway, if you want to change the pots later.


Mark: Thank you for your offers! :D I might be receiving some sample parts from Switchcraft. So I might have settled my Toggle-switch, input jack. Now looking for CTS 500K audio pots. You have em for sale righto?

Marshall_Law: Hi dude, if you're not in any hurry, I might be able to confirm some sources for the (RS kit). I'll try to compile a price list for you guys to compare, and see if it's more worth it ordering from those Guitar-websites, or directly from the electronic-parts factory.

If I remebered correctly, the Gibson Les Pauls require the long-shaft pots and Epiphone uses the short shaft ones. Do double-check with those forumites at (good Les Paul forum)

Need to sort out these stuffs. Will get back to you guys as soon as I get info. :wink:

It depends you won't go wrong getting the long shaft but if ya wana get the short shaft you should be able to use it if you take the metal plate out(it urs have one) and it should fit into the bridge volume and tone cuz the wood is thinner there and most likely the short shaft won't fit into the neck and tone cuz of the carve maple top. If your Les Paul is a flat top, the short shaft should be ok.
Hope this helps,

Btw the RSkit + Shipping is bout 100SGD and you get a very special wiring diagram that you won't find anywhere else :-) juz got mine a couple of weeks ago

Have yet to install it onto my LP, if you need the push/pull version juz like RS know they will charge abit more for the pots if I did not remember wrong.

As I mentioned to Penguin, the 500K CTS pots do not fit in guitars as their shaft is too thick for the knobs. Dennis at Guitar 77 has some of the long shaft Gibson pots if you need them. Rember that the volume is 500K audio and the tone is 300K linear. I can bring them in for you if you need them (about $8US per), but they will take a while.


marshall_law said:
Hi mudmechanic,
I heard that RS guitar kits is good on LP. Do you often ships items from RS guitar? I need the push/pull pots. Thanks

RS guitarworks has obviously created a following on the LP forums. If I'm not wrong its about 50 USD for the kit and they claim to have some 'secret schematic' which they will not reveal on the forum. As we all know there are only that many ways you can wire the guitar up. The audiophile capacitor which they use also makes little difference in a guitar circuit.

I would advice you to get you stuff from http://www.blackrosecustom.emerchan...94388-1618588609-612666746&A=41&B=Electronics
way cheaper and no 'secret schematic' bullshit. Just remember that the LP forum is full of flavour of the month guys and the 'improvement' they hear after using the RS kit is due to the change from 300k - 500k pots more so than the 'voodoo' RS is trying to make us believe.
Ablue is right. The original schematics for Gibson guitars show 300K linear pots for the tone. Also the capacitor is a 'bleed' one, that is, it is not in the signal line, so the quality will make little difference.


The tone circuit in the guitar is a passive one, that is, the signal is 'bled off' from the main signal. The size of the capacitor and tone pot decide the frequency above which the signal is bled off (high capacitor value bleeds off more frequencies and sounds more bassy, as it does when you roll the tone pot off).

As it is not part of the signal that is being sent to the amp, it's quality is not that important and so cheap film caps or ceramics can be used.


mudmechanic said:
overseas (a packet of D'Addarios is nearly $10 in Oz). The shops here if they are selling original equipment are offering fair prices.

What?! where did you find that? Coz I live in Australia right now, and they're selling it for AUD$14. That converted to SGD is like $15. something. :cry:

And don't even get my started on acoustic guitar strings...
Sorry. It's been a long time since I bought strings in Oz, but I just remember they are a hell of a lot more than they are here. I have a friend who studies in Adelaide and buys his years supply everythime he comes back to Sing on holidays. Singaporeans really don't know how luckey they are in this regard.


Hey no need to apologize!

But yes, it's so true... I try to get a year's supply of strings and stuff, but it never seems to last more than a couple of months.

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