Okay guys, but to me this is the truth.
Yesterday while waiting for my meal in a coffee-shop, i heard three old man dicussing in hokkien about Mas Selemat.
They claimed that Mas Selemat is dead for some unknown reasons- And the police had purposely claimed that he has escaped because
Reason Number ONE-They wanted to show the world how United Singapore can be in finding a terrorist.
Reason Number Two- Something has happened to Mas Selemat, maybe a police had shot him dead? Maybe he has died due to some illness contracted in the cell.
What the evidence to back those suggestion up?
Well, Normally, when a large mistake or event is caused by a certain sector of the government, the head of that sector resigns after a day or two.
So far our minister havent.
Second reason. If something had really happened in the cell, such as Mas Selemat being shot dead accidentally, the government cant broadcast to the world that they had accidentally shot Mas Selemat dead, that will give Singapore's reputation a beating. And they cant tell the world that Mas Selemat has died because of a illness contracted at his cell. That will show the world the condition of Singapore cells.
And notice how the Government had failed to give a detailed account of the alleged "Toilet" escape? Because they cant think of one.
Firstly, the guest toilet in the Detention cell has three cubicles. I presumed that a guard must definitely be placed at the entrance of the toilet to guard it? And the toilet has no windows inside, and it is common knowledge that when a Highly wanted criminal asked to use the toilet, he or she must have one of their limbs handcuffed to a toilet pole, or in the event if there is none, then it will be the guard's hand.
This is what i heard from the Hokkien Uncles in the coffee-shop.
Pardon me if i have offended anyone.