Mas Selemat is already dead!


New member
Okay guys, but to me this is the truth.

Yesterday while waiting for my meal in a coffee-shop, i heard three old man dicussing in hokkien about Mas Selemat.

They claimed that Mas Selemat is dead for some unknown reasons- And the police had purposely claimed that he has escaped because

Reason Number ONE-They wanted to show the world how United Singapore can be in finding a terrorist.

Reason Number Two- Something has happened to Mas Selemat, maybe a police had shot him dead? Maybe he has died due to some illness contracted in the cell.

What the evidence to back those suggestion up?
Well, Normally, when a large mistake or event is caused by a certain sector of the government, the head of that sector resigns after a day or two.
So far our minister havent.

Second reason. If something had really happened in the cell, such as Mas Selemat being shot dead accidentally, the government cant broadcast to the world that they had accidentally shot Mas Selemat dead, that will give Singapore's reputation a beating. And they cant tell the world that Mas Selemat has died because of a illness contracted at his cell. That will show the world the condition of Singapore cells.

And notice how the Government had failed to give a detailed account of the alleged "Toilet" escape? Because they cant think of one.
Firstly, the guest toilet in the Detention cell has three cubicles. I presumed that a guard must definitely be placed at the entrance of the toilet to guard it? And the toilet has no windows inside, and it is common knowledge that when a Highly wanted criminal asked to use the toilet, he or she must have one of their limbs handcuffed to a toilet pole, or in the event if there is none, then it will be the guard's hand.

This is what i heard from the Hokkien Uncles in the coffee-shop.
Pardon me if i have offended anyone.
apparantly the story of a cover-up by the government has been going around for a few weeks now.

heard from friends that serve in the police force that this might actually be a gimmick to cover up somthing that happened to him while he was detained.maybe the government torture him for info until he die liao:???:

or they couldnt get any info off him,so they fly him to US to kena interrogate,and say that he escaped,so m'sia and indonesia dun ask so many qns.:???:
but if singapore govt shows the world that he escaped from jail, singapore's reputation of being a safe country is also ruined... since a very dangerous man can escape will smear singapore's name.. people will think, oh this country is not as safe as said..
Aiyah, stop speculating lah. If he's really dead, is there a need to hide the truth, and tarnish the reputation of our security by faking an escape? And wasting lots of human resources and time just to fake his manhunt?
C'mon lah, human resource + time = $$money$$. You think our govt wanna do that? I doubt so.

And what police shot him dead in the cell by accident? No firearms are allowed into detaining institution in the first place. And if he died of some sickness, why hide?

Errr.. am i repeating all over again?>.. hehhe
title is misleading. Coffee shop talk isnt exactly the most reliable source of information
nevertheless i did find that there is really something odd about this incident all along.

if you want the conspiracy to be more interesting, well, you could say that Singapore is using the Mas Selemat incident, to stage a terrorist attack on itself, then use the 'staged' terror attacks to justify an invasion of ... nevermind. Sounds familiar eh?

come to think of it.. most of the island's defence forces are already on 24hr stand to. It would be quite easy to launch a full scale attack..
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^^^^ You speak the trooth,gothvirus.

Singapore = $ = face
So they(Singapore) wouldn't want to lose face by faking an escape and wasting money for all those truck search and sea searches and delaying businesses from getting their trucks.

I call this whole thing a conspiracy.

Wheel out the conspiracy machine!
dime and aenimic! jokers sia you both!

seriously if we were able to do something about it than to comment his whereabouts in this forum then i wouldnt be making a fool out of this escape and dead speculation of Mas Selamat.
anyway it's all good that mas selamat is dead. he's an arsehole.
2 weeks still havent find, what the hell?!?!