Marty Friedman Clinic Tour 2005!


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just for the sake of discussion, if SOFT have a chance to do a video interview with the man, what questions would you like to ask? or what would you like to see in the video?
soft said:
just for the sake of discussion, if SOFT have a chance to do a video interview with the man, what questions would you like to ask? or what would you like to see in the video?

Can u ask him abt his unique picking hand technique?? For yrs I've seen him play with that weird way of holding the pick.. How did he come out with such technique??

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
25th? Not 22nd? Noooo! Noooooo! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Stupid man told me it was 22nd. Stupid me didn't read properly. Stupid me also got a trip out of the country on 23rd not returning till 25th... DOH!

Ok -if I can't rearrange that trip, then there's a front row seat ticket for sale. A7. $25 or highest bid posted here.


Someone please video the show... :cry:


And ask him how much money he made from Megadeth.


I hate everything.
ooooh... i can sense disappointments in the air...heh heh...

momo, why not try postponing work to go for this?... can be a win-win situation u know...
get up close and personal wif Marty Friedman, meet new frenz, and erm... make someone happier too :smt003