* Mando Popz Band *


New member
hi frens,

our band has completed first jam on 8 Jun 2015 (Mon).

Our songs include:

1。 听海
2。 寂寞寂寞就好
3。 沙滩
4。 爱我别走


We are currently looking for the following 2 positions:

1) Drummer
2) Bassist

as the previous duo are unable to commit further.

Our current team is

two lady vox
one keyboardist
one guitarist

if you are interested to join us, email your particulars

1) Full Name
2) Gender
3) Age
4) Handphone number
5) Your role (bass, drum)



we are looking for Singaporeans between the age of 21-31 only.

and we prefer musicians currently NOT in any band, for we seek to form a permanent one.

hope to hear from you

^ ^

* musicians who have earlier sent in their applications need not apply again. we will review all of them.