Manchester United Thread

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Hey guys...was surprised that this didn't come out during the Munich anniversary, but it's about time that Manchester United fans in Sg are informed of this, and the more people the better. Please stop referring to our club as "Man U". Man U is a name that has never been officially or apocryphally accepted. It began with the senseless yobs who chanted inhumane chants that poked fun of the tragedy in Munich and therefore, was actually a denigrating name opposing supporters use to refer to our clubs. So please refer to our club as either Man Utd, Manchester United, or United(because there's only ONE United:D). Please tell your friends about this as well. Thanks!

And by the way,
this time it aint true .arsenal is a more worthy challenger than man u .

Saying that Arsenal is a more worthy challenger than Man Utd is kinda like saying that Prince Charles is a more worthy heir to the throne than the Queen. First and foremost, Man Utd are not challengers. We are defenders, by sheer virtue of the fact that we won the title last season fair and square by playing the best football in England that was breathtaking, gorgeous, and efficient as well. The very fact that Arsenal is considered a challenger only points to the fact that they are not the champions. Manchester United are the champions of England. Shall I repeat that? Manchester United are the Champions of England. Arsenal were losers last season because they did not win. Manchester United did.:)

And Manchester United, are, currently, better than Arsenal. A head-to-head match in which Manchester United systematically demolished, annihilated, ravaged and yes, even brutally raped Arsenal 4-0 proved that we are the better team. Our attack exposed the flaws of your badly organised and incoherent defence. Our midfield stripped yours of any semblance of authority by taming and mastering your players and forcing them into submission. Our defence made a mockery of out of your much vaunted attack and left them as impotent as a balding old geezer with Alzheimers. In every area we battered and hammered you, in every player we proved better than you. We shall prove the same again. Be warned.
A head-to-head match in which Manchester United systematically demolished, annihilated, ravaged and yes, even brutally raped Arsenal 4-0 proved that we are the better team. .

Yeah Man Ure so SEXED up - as evident in all the s*******g of the high class hookers (while disrespecting them and everyone one else under the sun) ..that they now consider themselves BPL rapists

CASTRATE MAN_Ure! :twisted:
Yeah Man Ure so SEXED up - as evident in all the s*******g of the high class hookers (while disrespecting them and everyone one else under the sun) ..that they now consider themselves BPL rapists

CASTRATE MAN_Ure! :twisted:

Well, if you understood even slightly complex literary expressions, you would realize you just made the schoolboy mistake of confusing metaphor with reality. And yeah, I have no problem with the word rape. Wanna know why?

rape:an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation;

Even a 12 year old Primary 6 boy knows that that term doesn't necessarily need to refer to sexual abuse. Fgl, I wonder why your first response is to react as if Manchester United forcibly violated your team's chastity? Is it because deep down inside, you know Arsenal are nothing more than pretty little girls pretending at a man's game? Oh come on, you should have known. There's nothing wrong with it too, it's a sexually equal age. Your captain himself does the whole S.N.A.G metrosexual(*cough wimp cough*) thing.

And so what if we did a bunch of hookers? You're just proving again and again your lack of sophistication, wit, and logical argument abilities when you resort to a topic outside of our area of discussion, that is, what happens on the football pitch. I know a couple of good debators, my friend. Care to take a few lessons from them?

I suggest you a), study the art of literary expression, b), try to let go of that deep -seated psychological trauma from realizing your favorite team are a bunch of pansies, and c), brush up on the fine art of cognitive logical reasoning, otherwise known as thinking.

Therefore, growlingsoulpup3, Fgl 0. :]
Well, if you understood even slightly complex literary expressions, you would realize you just made the schoolboy mistake of confusing metaphor with reality. And yeah, I have no problem with the word rape. Wanna know why?

rape:an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation;

Even a 12 year old Primary 6 boy knows that that term doesn't necessarily need to refer to sexual abuse. Fgl, I wonder why your first response is to react as if Manchester United forcibly violated your team's chastity? Is it because deep down inside, you know Arsenal are nothing more than pretty little girls pretending at a man's game? Oh come on, you should have known. There's nothing wrong with it too, it's a sexually equal age. Your captain himself does the whole S.N.A.G metrosexual(*cough wimp cough*) thing.

And so what if we did a bunch of hookers? You're just proving again and again your lack of sophistication, wit, and logical argument abilities when you resort to a topic outside of our area of discussion, that is, what happens on the football pitch. I know a couple of good debators, my friend. Care to take a few lessons from them?

I suggest you a), study the art of literary expression, b), try to let go of that deep -seated psychological trauma from realizing your favorite team are a bunch of pansies, and c), brush up on the fine art of cognitive logical reasoning, otherwise known as thinking.

Therefore, growlingsoulpup3, Fgl 0. :]

Chill lah bro. fgl is a nice dude. His only problem is that he supports an evil team like Arseanal. Otherwise, he's OK! They wack their own teammates. They cru out loud. They walk away and kick advertising boards while the game is on. They kick opposing players because they are losing. Justice will be done because Arseanal do not deserve to win anything this year. They have a literally blind manager, a cry baby captain and horrible personalities. It's either us or Chelsea for the title race. Arseanal are just too dirty to deserve anything. RoRK
LOL. Machismo is a wonderfully theatrical device eh? No i didn't mean any malice. Just having some fun demolishing arguments. And fgl, thanks for the pm. :)
WOO MANu 3 fulham 0....ARSENAL DROP POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHERES ARSENAL's 5 point gap now huh? now 1 only and we are gonna close that gap and win the title...Manu the "scums" won. Arsenal the "good people" drew... hahahaha

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