Make Yourself Indispensable


New member
Picture this. You are lost in the desert with Mr Warren Buffett, desperate for survival. Suddenly, Mr Buffett turns to you and says "I know how to grow capital"

Many of us are in this similiar situation. We have skills in a certain area, but it doesn't matter. Our skills aren't applicable in the situation we are in. Mr Buffett may be the best investment guru there is, but his skills in managing capital isn't applicable when survival is at stake. The nomad who knows how and where to find food matters now, we can make do without Mr Buffett (better in this case, less competition for food)

In a guitar context, knowing more exotic scales or mastering your soloing technique isn't gonna land you that gig at the club, learning more pop and dance songs which partygoers can relate to does. However, learning more pop songs and knowing the right contacts won't get you in clubs, but knowing specifically who are the people who patronise the club you are going to play at and the kind of music they like rises the probability of landing a gig there.

I'm working backwards here. Because setting an objective forces us to think backwards on how to achieve that. Use your skills in the area which ALLOWS you to flourish, get out of the desert otherwise. Make yourself indispensable.