Make Money for Music or Make Music for Money?


New member
Sell-outs, sell-out, sell-outs, I see this word so many times...

but it's a fine line of difference between sell-out and staying true.

So many out here calling each other sell-outs, but I wonder, honestly, how many will actually stay true...all the way?

and...what is stay true??? what is sell-out?

Start replying by stating you are ok with whatever that fate brings u, or stay true, or sell-out, etc.
and maybe try enlightening me :)

Thanks :)
i think staying true to yourself is more important than making money.

to me staying true will be doing the things you like, instead of doing something for the sake of the money it brings.

in terms of music, it could be composing songs that are true to you, instead of composing songs for the sake of gaining popularity or winning a grammy.
Purest form of music is always the timeless ones, the chimes ringing in your head. Everything else is tainted with money, someway or another

but for most people (doing music or not), most probably you will be doing something just for earning a living, it wont be what you like :(

if you can earn a living with what you like (music), then go ahead, if not then just do for interest