Lyricist Please stand man!!!!!!

haha well trying to get a rythmn guitaring skills still suck lol..maybe u guys can use these lyrics for ur songs :)
This one was inspired by a game i played in my ps2......

Tried to run from my future
I failed on countless times
Turned back the clock, not once or twice
I disrupted the balance just to save myself

Desperate for refuge, I run for cover
Battling demons that stalks me
Afraid of death I keep the fight
I can’t take this anymore

The beast awoke chasing me
Tried to battle it, I cannot win
Running from something that’s so familiar
I ended up disrupting time

What I saw I cannot accept
The freak that’s starring back
The one thing I fear most has come true
I’ve become the monster that I’m running from
The one thing I fear most has come true
I’ve become the monster that I’m running from

i like this... :D
Malicious mosquitoes
Kept orbiting around me
Such irritating creature
Females most evil of all

What can they do with two wings?
They suck you like vampires
Those vectors of diseases
Are the most evil of all

Oh I'll kill them all
With the gases from hell
See they fall one by one
upon the funeral bells

That's the rule of living
It's either you or me
You poison me, i'll take you
upon the funeral bells

This is one of the song i wrote yet i couldn't find a suitable vocalist to sing it.
"Tried to battle it, I cannot win"
"its a battle i know i can never win"

haha another suggestion

MrRhoads said:
Malicious mosquitoes
Kept orbiting around me
Such irritating creature
Females most evil of all

What can they do with two wings?
They suck you like vampires
Those vectors of diseases
Are the most evil of all

Oh I'll kill them all
With the gases from hell
See they fall one by one
upon the funeral bells

That's the rule of living
It's either you or me
You poison me, i'll take you
upon the funeral bells

This is one of the song i wrote yet i couldn't find a suitable vocalist to sing it.

i tink u need someone with a high pitch for this song..preferable a female..
gives plp a sound of HORROR hahaha
hey you got it!! either that or an old sch rocker voice.. know any good vocalist for that? i've everything written down.. just need a vocalist
Basically i got irritated by mosquitoes during an overnight camp at pulau ubin; it sucked me of all else =/

Hey if you guys know any good vocalists don't mind recommending him/her to me? thanks alot!
MrRhoads said:
hey you got it!! either that or an old sch rocker voice.. know any good vocalist for that? i've everything written down.. just need a vocalist

hmm...maybe u cud ask LingNemesis ? she's a vocalist...hahax ask her.